
Use CSS Media Queries in your JS using promise-like syntax. Call functions dependant on the screen resolution, color scheme and more!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import petegiMedia from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@petegi/media';



Use CSS Media Queries in your JS using promise-like syntax. Call functions dependant on the screen resolution, color scheme and more!

Note These are not true promises, it's just a sweet then/catch syntax.


Install the package from the registry

// npm
npm install @petegi/media

// yarn
yarn add @petegi/media


Module bundler

import media from '@petegi/media';

media(// your query)
  .then(() => // if true...)
  .catch(() => // else...);

Script tag

<script src="path/to/@petegi/media/lib/index.umd.js"></script>

  media(// your query)
    .then(() => // if true...)
    .catch(() => // else...);

ES Module

<script type="module">
  import media, { tablet } from "path/to/@petegi/media/lib/index.js";

  // using custom query
  media(// your query)
    .then(() => // if true...)
    .catch(() => // else...);

  // using built-in mixin
    .then(() => // if true...)
    .catch(() => // else...);

Available params

All the available params are listen on MDN.

Note deprecated params are not available.

Note If you're using TypeScript you'll get full autocompletion and documentation for available values', browser support and Media Query Level one was introduced. If you're using ES module syntax - this will work only for named imports (so just import { buildQuery } and you're good to go).


For most params it's straightforward - you choose a param, type the value. But because it's plain JS, some workarounds had to be made:

  • all media types are boolean
      print: true,
  • not param is boolean and can be used only once
      "min-width": "768px",
      not: true,
      "prefers-color-scheme": "dark"
    }); // (min-width: 768px) and not (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
  • width, height and resolution params (and their min- and max- equivalents) can get different style params
    // each of these will give you the same result
      "min-width": "1024px"
      "min-width": [1024, "px"]
      "min-width": {
        value: 1024,
        unit: "px"
  • width, height and resolution params can have ranged value (for the syntax look to the previous point)
      width: {
        min: "768px",
        max: [1024, "px"]


Package offers some buils-ins for module bundler users

  • media query builder Can be used to create your own JS media query mixins
import { buildQuery } from "@petegi/media";

const minWidth = buildQuery({
  "min-width": {
    value: 960,
    unit: "px"
  screen: true

console.log(minWidth); // "(min-width: 960px) and screen"
  • mixins

    Ready to use JS media queries - these are just exported variables that are using buildQuery function.

    • touch
    • mouse
    • mobile
    • tablet
    • desktop
    • oldDesktop
    • widescreen
import media, { tablet } from "@petegi/media";

  .then(() => // if true...)
  .catch(() => // else...);


If you're using this package to modify your styles, remember - this is JS, not CSS, so you should always use catch to remove the styles applied in the then.