
Minifies your CSS and JavaScript files with YUI and JSMin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import phoenixPluginRegistryBracketsMinifier from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@phoenix-plugin-registry/brackets-minifier';


Minifier for Brackets

Minifies JavaScript and CSS files in Brackets and saves to {filename}.min.{ext} using UglifyJS2 (for JavaScript) and YUI (for CSS).


  1. Run Brackets
  2. Select File > Install Extension...
  3. Enter https://github.com/alfredxing/brackets-minifier/archive/master.zip as Extension URL.
  4. Click Install to begin downloading and installing the extension.

Alternative method

Clone this repository into ~/Library/Application Support/Brackets/extensions/user/ and restart Brackets.


To minify a file, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl+M. You can also minify files on save by checking the corresponding item in the Edit menu.