
Common TypeScript code used by various Pinpoint projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pinptRetroFeature from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pinpt/retro-feature';


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Common Typescript code for Retros.



Method Type Description
getColumnIndex (columns: IColumn[], id: string): IColumnIndexResult Returns the index of the column ID given
handleSortRetroNote (a: IPipelineWorkRetroNote, b: IPipelineWorkRetroNote, currentUser: string) Sorts retro notes by index
prepareCards (cards: any[]): ICard[] Add the index field to an array of cards
getCardIndex (cards: ICardState[] | undefined, id: string): ICardIndexResult Return the index of the card in the column
getGroupingCards (columns: IColumn[]): GroupingState[] Gets the cards for a given group
handleSortCards (a: ICardState, b: ICardState) Sorts the cards
createInitialBoardData (data: IBoardData, columns: IColumn[], user_id: string, groupingState?: IGroupingState, displayAllUsers?: boolean, hydratedUsersById?: { [user_id: string]: IHydratedUser }): IColumn[] Builds the retro board data in proper form
filterCards (card: ICardState, showAll: boolean): boolean Used to filter cards based on how many votes they have for discussion
sortRetroBoard (columns: IColumn[], showAll: boolean = false): IColumn[] Takes in a retro board and sorts rhe cards within it
getDiscussionCards (columns: IColumn[]): any[] Gets the sorted discussion cards after filtering them
getInitialColumns (): IColumn[] Returns an empty board
filterNoteVotes (notes: IPipelineWorkRetroNote[], votes: IPipelineWorkRetroNoteVote[]): IPipelineWorkRetroNoteVote[] Filters out irrelevant note votes, such as votes on notes that were moved into groups
filterNoteGroupingVotes (groups: IPipelineWorkRetroNoteGrouping[], votes: IPipelineWorkRetroNoteGroupingVote[]): IPipelineWorkRetroNoteGroupingVote[] Filters out irrelevant grouping votes



Method Type Description
getNextRetroStep (current: ACTIVE_STAGES): INextRetroStep Given a current retro stage, returns the metadata for the next stage