
Learn how to use CLI apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pizzafoxHow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pizzafox/how';



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Learn how to use CLI apps.


Install using your favorite Node.js package manager:

npm i -g @pizzafox/how
yarn global add @pizzafox/how
pnpm i -g add @pizzafox/how

You can also use npx when in a pinch, but a global install is preferred:

npx @pizzafox/how <app>
pnpx @pizzafox/how <app>

A common-ish CPU & OS as well as a recent version of Node.js (something that can run modules natively) are required to run how. Your package manager should prevent you from installing how if your system is incompatible.

how <app>


Learn how to use tar:

how tar



This project uses Node.js to run, so make sure you've got a recent version installed.

This project uses Yarn 2 to manage dependencies and run scripts. After cloning the repository you can use this command to install dependencies:



Run the build script to compile the TypeScript source code into JavaScript in the tsc_output folder.


This project uses Prettier to validate the formatting and style across the codebase.

You can run Prettier in the project with this command:

yarn run style


There is intentionally no lint script. Contributors are expected to write flawless code.


There are no unit tests for the same reason there is no lint script.