
PMWCS tabs component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pmwcsTabs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pmwcs/tabs';



Tabs make it easy to explore and switch between different views.

  • Module @pmwcs/tabs
  • Import styles:
    • Using CSS Loader
      • import '@pmwcs/tabs/styles';
    • Or include stylesheets
      • '@material/tab-bar/dist/mdc.tab-bar.css'
      • '@material/tab/dist/mdc.tab.css'
      • '@material/tab-scroller/dist/mdc.tab-scroller.css'
      • '@material/tab-indicator/dist/mdc.tab-indicator.css'
      • '@material/ripple/dist/mdc.ripple.css'
      • '@pmwcs/icon/icon.css'
  • MDC Docs: https://material.io/develop/web/components/tabs/tab-bar/

Basic Usage

Tabs can be either controlled or uncontrolled just like inputs. Use the activeTabIndex and onActivate callback for controlled components.

function Example() {
  const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = React.useState(0);

  return (
      onActivate={evt => setActiveTab(evt.detail.index)}


  <Tab icon="star_border" label="Cookies" />
  <Tab icon="favorite_border" label="Pizza" />
  <Tab icon="mood" label="Icecream" />
  <Tab icon="star_border" />
  <Tab icon="favorite_border" />
  <Tab icon="mood" />
  <Tab stacked icon="star_border" label="Cookies" />
  <Tab stacked icon="favorite_border" label="Pizza" />
  <Tab stacked icon="mood" label="Icecream" />
  <Tab stacked restrictIndicator icon="star_border" label="Cookies" />
  <Tab stacked restrictIndicator icon="favorite_border" label="Pizza" />
  <Tab stacked restrictIndicator icon="mood" label="Icecream" />
  {/* Tabs automatically scroll with lots of content. */}



Icons as Indicators

material-components-web has some light support for using icons as indicators (it's buried in their docs but there are no working examples or demos). Support has been added to PMWCS, but your mileage may vary since it will require quite a bit of manual positioning and styling. By default, the icons appear full size at the center of the tab, effectively making them overlay images.

  <Tab iconIndicator="star">Cookies</Tab>
  <Tab iconIndicator="favorite">Pizza</Tab>
  <Tab iconIndicator="mood">Icecream</Tab>
function IconIndicatorExample() {
  const style = {
    transformOrigin: 'center center',
    transform: 'translateY(1rem) scale(0.45)'

  return (
          icon: 'star',
          style: style
          icon: 'favorite',
          style: style
          icon: 'mood',
          style: style


The TabBar component


Name Type Description
activeTabIndex undefined \| number The index of the active tab.
foundationRef React.Ref<MDCTabBarFoundation \| null> Advanced: A reference to the MDCFoundation.
indicatorTransition "slide" \| "fade" Specifies whether the indicator should slide or fade. Defaults to slide.
onActivate undefined \| (evt: TabBarOnActivateEventT) => void Callback when the active tab changes. Receives event as an argument with event.target.value set to the activeTabIndex. evt.detail = { index: number; }


A Tab component


Name Type Description
children React.ReactNode The label for the tab, passed as children.
foundationRef React.Ref<MDCTabFoundation \| null> Advanced: A reference to the MDCFoundation.
icon PMWCS.IconPropT The icon to use for the tab.
iconIndicator PMWCS.IconPropT Optionally use a custom icon for the active indicator, instead of the underline.
label any A label for the tab.
minWidth undefined \| false \| true Indicates that the tab should shrink in size to be as narrow as possible without causing text to wrap.
onInteraction undefined \| (evt: TabOnInteractionEventT) => void Fires when a tab has been interacted with. This is captures both keyboard and click events. evt.detail = { tabId: string }
restrictIndicator undefined \| false \| true Restricts the indicator to the content
stacked undefined \| false \| true Stacks the icon on top of the text label