
Module for Pngme partners to build credit score from phone information

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pngmeReactNativeSmsPngmeAndroid from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android';



Module that supports interaction with the Messaging API on Android getting phone SMS in order to be sent to pngme platform.

The package allows you to:

  • Ask for sms permissions
  • Get messages
  • Send the data to pngme server



$ yarn add @pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android


$ npm install @pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android --save

for React-Native < 0.61

$ react-native link @pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android

For React-Native < 0.61 projects add maven as repository on/Android folder open build.gradle and the following line

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } // <-- add this line

Also make sure that your gradle.properties has the following properties


for React-Native > 0.61

You do not have to do anything else.

Installation Tips

For some react-native version there is a dependency collision with kotlinx-coroutines-core if you get this error you can fix it by replacing this module on that way on your App gradle

// add from here
configurations {
    implementation {
        exclude group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx', module: 'kotlinx-coroutines-core'
// to here

dependencies {
    implementation ....
     // For RN 0.61.0
    implementation 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0'

We highly recommend to use JDK 11 if you have any issues please try to update your JDK version first https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html

Opening Permission Flow

SmsPngmeAndroid was designed to be as easy as possible to use into your project, you only have to import the library and invoke go function, passing only one param that is an object containing user info please check the table abobe code snippet. Have in mind that SmsPngmeAndroid function is async, so using await you will be able to know when the flow is finished in order to continue with your application flow normally.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { View, Text, Alert } from 'react-native';
// Add this line
import { go } from '@pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android';

export default function App() {

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const openSDK = async() => {
    const goParams = {
      firstName: userFirstName,
      lastName: userLastName,
      email: userEmail,
      phoneNumber: userPhone,
      isKycVerified: kycVerified === 'true',
    const response = await go(goParams);
    Alert.alert("on Complete", response)

  return (
        Your app content..


Param Required Type Description
companyName Yes String Used to show your company name on components
clientKey Yes String On this param you should pass your client key provided by Pngme team. For security reasons avoid to hardcode this key on your code, we highly recommend to use it from your .env file
phoneNumber Yes String country code + phone number string. Ej: for Ghana (country code +233) phone number 03X XXX XXXX you should pass '23303X XXX XXXX' Warning: Pngme assumes that this data is verified by your app. If email or phoneNumber are not verified please let support team know.
firstName Yes String User first name
lastName Yes String User last name
email Yes String User Email
externalId Yes String You can pass your uuid in this field, this can be useful to identify your users last when obtaining processed data from our servers.
isKycVerified Yes Boolean On this param you can let pngme know if your user was KYC verified or not

Auxiliar methods

In most of the cases there is no need to have auxiliar methods since with the previous code example you can show the flow to ask permissions but if you call it and permissions are already enable popup will not be shown. Here we add some auxiliar methods in order to know current state of permissions on @pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android

Checking permissions

You can check permission status by invoking isPermissionGranted async function, it will return a boolean

import { isPermissionGranted } from '@pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android';

const isPermissionGranted = async () => {
  const isPermissionGrantedBoolean = await isPermissionGranted();
  Alert.alert('Result', isPermissionGrantedBoolean.toString());

Reset Permission Flow

go method will open a pop up asking for permissions only the first time, then if you want to show pngme popup again you have to call resetPermissionFlow function and calling go again.

import { go, resetPermissionFlow } from '@pngme/react-native-sms-pngme-android';

const openPopupAgain = async () => {
  // tell pngme library to show popup again on next `go` invocation
  // then call go
  go(/* all params described on GO method */);
