
Color Palette plugin for the 3D engine https://polygonjs.com

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import polygonjsPluginPalette from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@polygonjs/plugin-palette';


Polygonjs Palette Plugin

This adds a Palette SOP node to the Polygonjs webgl engine.

This wraps the work done in https://github.com/kgolid/chromotome into a node that can be used with all the other nodes available on Polygonjs.

See example scene:

Spheres with colors defined with the Palette node


Import the plugin:

yarn add @polygonjs/plugin-palette

And register the plugin in the function configurePolygonjs in the file PolyConfig.js so that the palette node can be accessible in both the editor and your exported scene:

import {polyPluginPalette} from '@polygonjs/plugin-palette/dist/src/index';

export function configurePolygonjs(poly) {