
a ui scheme

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ponziScheme from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ponzi/scheme';




  • get dependencies yarn
  • start the dev env make dev


all form elements
prop desc
disabled If the element should be disabled
loading If the element is loading data before the user can interact with it
required If the element is required - also sets 'not blank' as a rule
requiredRule An alternate function to be run instead of 'not blank'
label A label
rules An array of functions, where the only argument to the function is the current value of the element. Can return an object of the form { valid: Boolean, hint: String, always?: Boolean }
id An id to use for the form element - normally auto-generated
prop desc
checkboxes An array of objects of the form { label, value, disabledTitle?: String}
prop desc
radios An array of objects of the form { label, value }
button Creates radio-buttons instead of radios
prop desc
as The HTML element for the parent
expand Should be used with .sync — controls expansion
removeHidden Removes children from the DOM when true, useful if the children shouldn\t be part of validation when hidden'
prop desc
width Possible values are "large" and "small"
parsify Function to transform masked inputs before v-model - don't use parseInt, rather prefer v-model.number
mask An options object from cleave.js options
suffix A suffix to append to the input, padding is automatically applied to create space
prop desc
v-model The current validation-state of the entire form
validated Should be used with .sync — whether validation has been triggerd on the form
prop desc
filled Creates a solid color button
flat Creates a flat button (no outline)
loading Disables the button and shows a loading animation in the label's place
small Makes a smaller size button
smallMobile Makes a smaller size button on mobile only
color can be "red" or "green"
flex (flexbox)
prop desc
direction Options equivalent to flex-direction
mobileDirection Options equivalent to flex-direction, used on mobile
align Options equivalent to align-items
justify Options equivalent to justify-content
wrap Applies flex-wrap when true
as The HTML element for the parent
prop desc
v-model The value to validate against
noSpacing Used with ui — removes spacing after the hint text
preventChildSpacing Used with ui — removes spacing before the hint text, useful when rapping another form element
ui Used when a hint will be shown to the user from this validation
control Injects several form controls into the default scoped slot

no additional props


no additional props