
CLI utility that watches for changes and generates diagrams from plantuml using plantuml-server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import portenezPlantumlWatch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@portenez/plantuml-watch';



Plantuml is my favorite tool to generate diagrams from code, I created this cli tool to automatically generate svg files from plantuml as you save your work.



architecture diagram




npm install @portenez/plantuml-watch

or globally

npm install -g @portenez/plantuml-watch

Start watcher

From the root you want to scan for plantuml file changes:

plantuml-watch # if installed globally
npx plantuml-watch # if installed locally

The command will output

[2019-11-23 00:23:02.770 +0000] INFO  (34762 on C02XC2BQJGH5): plantuml watch started
[2019-11-23 00:23:02.774 +0000] INFO  (34762 on C02XC2BQJGH5): config loaded
    plantumlServerUrl: "http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml"
    outputPathFunction: "function"
    outputFormat: "svg"
    glob: "**/*.plantuml"

Generating diagrams

Create or edit a plantuml file

echo "node Hello" > hello.plantuml

SVG will be generated

[2019-11-23 00:27:35.077 +0000] INFO  (35458 on C02XC2BQJGH5): processed
    event: "add"
    path: "hello.plantuml"
    outputPath: "hello.plantuml.svg"

By default it'll generate an svg co-located with the original file.

├── hello.plantuml
└── hello.plantuml.svg

0 directories, 2 files



export type OutputFormat = 'svg' | 'png' | 'txt'

export default interface Options {
   * The base url to the plantuml server
  readonly plantumlServerUrl: string

   * Target format for the output.
   * As of now only `svg` is allowed
  readonly outputFormat: OutputFormat
   * Defines how the path where the output rendered diagram
   * will be stored based on the original plantuml file path
   * @param originalPath path of the  plantuml code file
   * @param options a subset of the config options
   * @returns path where the rendered diagram should be saved
  readonly outputPathFunction: (
    originalPath: string,
    options: { outputFormat: OutputFormat },
  ) => string

   * Glob pattern that points to
   * the plantuml files to watch
  readonly glob: string

Options Defaults

const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = {
  plantumlServerUrl: 'http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml',

  outputFormat: 'svg',

  outputPathFunction: (
    originalPath: string,
    { outputFormat }: { outputFormat: OutputFormat },
  ): string => `${originalPath}.${outputFormat}`,

  glob: '**/*.plantuml',


To change any option from its defaults:

  • create a plantuml-watch.config.js file in the root of the dir you want to scan.
  • Export an object via module.exports

See example below:


const path = require("path")

module.exports = {

  // use local plantuml server
  plantumlServerUrl: 'http://localhost:5555/uml',

  // a.plantuml -> a.svg
  outputPathFunction: (originalPath, { outputFormat }) => {
    const dirname = path.dirname(originalPath)
    const fileName = path.basename(originalPath, ".plantuml")

    return `${dirname}/${fileName}.${outputFormat}`

Using your own plantuml server

Using official plantuml-server docker image

You can start a local plantuml server to use with this tool by using docker:

docker run --rm -p 5555:8080 plantuml/plantuml-server:tomcat

This will start a plantuml server on port 5555

Then set the plantumlServerUrl options property accordingly.

For Example:


const path = require("path")

module.exports = {
  // use local plantuml server
  plantumlServerUrl: 'http://localhost:5555/uml',

Using Docker Desktop Kubernetes

see Plantuml-server as a k8s service in your local machine