
Allows for easy webhook sending through discord's webhook API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import prince25DiscordWebhookSender from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@prince25/discord-webhook-sender';


Discord Webhook Sender

npm (scoped) GitHub package.json Github

This is an updated version of the original package made by matthew1232. Since that package hasn't been updated recently, I decided to make a fork.


npm install discord-webhook-sender or yarn add discord-webhook-sender


Basic use

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");

const IMAGE_URL = 'https://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/images/airplane.png';
hook.setUsername('Discord Webhook Node Name');

hook.send("Hello there!");

Custom embeds

const { Webhook, MessageBuilder } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");

const embed = new MessageBuilder()
.setTitle('My title here')
.setAuthor('Author here', 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png', 'https://www.google.com')
.addField('First field', 'this is inline', true)
.addField('Second field', 'this is not inline')
.setDescription('Oh look a description :)')
.setFooter('Hey its a footer', 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png')


Keep in mind that the custom embed method setColor takes in a decimal color/a hex color (pure black and white hex colors will be innacurate). You can convert colors to decimal or hex using this website here: https://convertingcolors.com

Sending files

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook('YOUR WEBHOOK URL');


Preset messages

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook('YOUR WEBHOOK URL');

// Sends an information message
hook.info('**Information hook**', 'Information field title here', 'Information field value here');

// Sends a success message
hook.success('**Success hook**', 'Success field title here', 'Success field value here');

// Sends an warning message
hook.warning('**Warning hook**', 'Warning field title here', 'Warning field value here');

// Sends an error message
hook.error('**Error hook**', 'Error field title here', 'Error field value here');

Custom settings

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook({
    url: "YOUR WEBHOOK URL",

    // If throwErrors is set to false, no errors will be thrown if there is an error sending
    throwErrors: false,

    // retryOnLimit gives you the option to not attempt to send the message again if rate limited
    retryOnLimit: false,

    // If a HTTP proxy is proxy, it will send the hook via that proxy
    // Use the format, "ip:port", for IP-based authentication proxies or username:password@ip:port
    proxy: "123.456.789.10:1112"

hook.setUsername('Username');       // Overrides the default webhook username
hook.setAvatar('YOUR_AVATAR_URL');  // Overrides the default webhook avatar


discord-webhook-sender is a promise based library, which means you can use .catch, .then, and await, although if successful will not return any values. For example:

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");

hook.send("Hello there!")
.then(() => console.log('Sent webhook successfully!'))
.catch(err => console.log(err.message));

or using async:

const { Webhook } = require('discord-webhook-sender');
const hook = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");

(async () => {
    try {
        await hook.send('Hello there!');
        console.log('Successfully sent webhook!');

By default, it will handle Discord's rate limiting, and if there is an error sending the message (other than rate limiting), an error will be thrown. You can change these options with the custom settings options below.


Webhook - class


  • options (optional) : object
    • throwErrors (optional) : boolean
    • retryOnLimit (optional) : boolean
    • proxy (optional) : string


  • setUsername(username : string) returns this
  • setAvatar(avatarURL : string (image url)) returns this
  • async sendFile(filePath : string)
  • async send(payload : string/MessageBuilder)
  • async info(title : string, fieldName (optional) : string, fieldValue (optional) : string, inline (optional) : boolean)
  • async success(title : string, fieldName (optional) : string, fieldValue (optional) : string, inline (optional) : boolean)
  • async warning(title : string, fieldName (optional) : string, fieldValue (optional) : string, inline (optional) : boolean)
  • async error(title : string, fieldName (optional) : string, fieldValue (optional) : string, inline (optional) : boolean)

MessageBuilder - class


  • setText(text: string)
  • setAuthor(author: string (text), authorImage (optional) : string (image url), authorUrl (optional) : string (link))
  • setTitle(title: string)
  • setURL(url: string)
  • setThumbnail(thumbnail : string (image url))
  • setImage(image : string (image url))
  • setTimestamp(date (optional) number/date object)
  • setColor(color : string/number (hex or decimal color))
  • setDescription(description : string)
  • addField(fieldName : string, fieldValue: string, inline (optional) : boolean)
  • setFooter(footer : string, footerImage (optional) : string (image url))
