
Generate Graphql schema(SDL) from Prisma schema using Prisma generator.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import prismaKoreaGraphqlSchemaGenerator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@prisma-korea/graphql-schema-generator';


GraphQL-Schema-Generator for Prisma

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Generate GraphQL schema (SDL) from Prisma schema using a custom Prisma generator.

Getting Started

  1. Install this package in your project using:
// pnpm, npm, or yarn
pnpm install @prisma-korea/graphql-schema-generator
  1. Add the generator to the schema.prisma:
generator graphql {
  provider = "graphql-schema-generator"
  createCRUD = "true"
  # output = "./generated" This is default path.
  1. Run npx prisma generate to run the generator

  2. Check schema.graphql in ./prisma/generated 🎉

Custom Rules

You can apply custom rules to manipulate behavior. (Some use cases). See this for example.


Any contributions are welcome. If you are interested, check out our guidelines.