
npm install -g meta

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import processEngineExternalTaskApiMeta from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@process-engine/external_task_api_meta';


External Task API Meta Project

1 Setup Meta

npm install -g meta
  • This will install meta globally and enable you to use meta commands
npm install
  • This will install the NPM dependencies of the meta project
    • These dependencies can also include meta plugins

2 Repository Management

2.1 Clone modules of the meta project

meta git update
  • This will clone all modules into the folder of the meta project

2.2 Add an existing module to the meta project

  • This will create an entry in the .meta-file located in the root directory of the meta project.
  • PROJECT_NAME should be the name used in the package.json
  • PROJECT_GITHUB_PATH should be the ssh link copied to clone the repository

2.3 Execute a command in all repositories

meta exec "any command"
  • If the command contains spaces, make sure to wrap it in quotes

2.4 Execute a command in some repositories

meta exec "any command" --exclude external_task_api,external_task_api_contracts
meta exec "any command" --include-only external_task_api,external_task_api_contracts
  • Arguments for --exclude and --include-only are separated by commas
  • A command run with --exclude will be executed in every module specified in the .meta-file, excluding the given arguments
  • A command run with --include-only will only be executed in modules contained in the argument list - modules specified in the .meta-file will not be included

3 Project Workflow

3.1 Clean all repositories

meta git clean -fd
  • removes all untracked changes
  • e.g.: to remove all node_modules folders

3.2 Update all repositories

meta exec "git checkout develop"
meta exec "git pull"
  • First checkout the develop branch so that every repository is on the same branch
    • If you got unsaved work on any repository that is not on the develop branch you will see an error that you have to manually fix
  • Then pull the develop branch to fetch possible updates
    • If you got unsaved work on a repository that already was on the develop branch you will see an error that you have to manually fix

3.3 Install NPM dependencies

Although the meta NPM plugin provides a shortcut to install the node_modules for every package this involves a lot of overhead, because it starts fresh in every package and executes npm install in it.

A better way to achieve this is by sharing the same node_modules in multiple packages wherever it is possible.

We can do this by using the tool minstall:

  • To run minstall just execute npm install in the root folder of the meta project
    • The package folders should already exist at this time (see 3.1)

This is the meta way:

meta npm install
  • BE CAREFUL: this can take a long time
  • Runs npm install in each module specified in the .meta-file individually

3.4 Local Setup (linking local modules)

meta npm link --all
  • Links all modules specified in the .meta-file if they are a dependency to another module specified in the .meta-file

3.5 Initialize git flow on all repositories

meta exec "git checkout master"
meta exec "git flow init"
  • First checkout the master branch so that every repository is on the same branch
    • This will enable you to use the git flow default branch names and just hit Enter during initilization
  • Then git flow init will be run in each repository individually

3.6 Start a feature on multiple repositories

meta exec "git flow feature start my_feature" --include-only external_task_api,external_task_api_contracts
  • Starts the feature "my_feature" in the modules external_task_api and external_task_api_contracts

3.7 Publish a feature on multiple repositories

meta exec "git flow feature publish my_feature" --include-only external_task_api,external_task_api_contracts
  • Publishes the feature "my_feature" in the modules external_task_api and external_task_api_contracts

3.8 List the git status on all repositories

meta git status
  • Runs git status in each module specified in the .meta-file individually

3.9 Push the changed on all repositories

meta git push
  • Runs git push in each module specified in the .meta-file individually

4. VSCode Debugger configuration

This meta repository is shipped with a configuration for the visual studio code debugger.

To use the Debugger, external_task_api_meta must be opened as a Top-Level project. Otherwise, VSCode will not be able to find the config file.

4.1 Settings breakpoints

You can either set breakpoints prior to launching the application or during runtime.

For VSCode to discover them, you have to open the module in question through the node_modules folder.

This is due to the fact that VSCode follows symlinks to their destination. Node, on the other hand, resolves symlinks to absolute paths. Which means, if we want to use the debugger, we need to force node to preserve the symlinks. Because of this, we need to navigate to the target module through the node_modules folder.

Example: If you want to debug the node_instance.ts file in the process-engine module, you would use the following path:


You can also set breakpoints during runtime, by using the loaded modules_ panel from the debugger tab.

4.2 Start a debugging session

You can start a debugging session as follows:

  1. Navigate to the debugger tab
  2. Select the configuration that matches your current project
  3. Click on the start button

After starting, the debugger will break at the first executed line of code.

Click the play button again to start the debugging process. The debugger will continue until it reaches a breakpoint or the end of the program.