
Contains the process engines' IAM related functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import processEngineIam from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@process-engine/iam';


Identity and Access Management - IAM

Contains the implementation of the essential-projects IAM contracts interfaces.


The ProcessEngine uses IAM for performing authorization related requests. The contracts found in essential-projects/iam_contracts provide a template for this.

Two services are available:

  1. IamService

    Used for interaction with the authority. ensureHasClaim allows to check if a given identity has a given claim.

  2. IdentityService

    A service that knows how to transform a given token (e.g. JWT) to an identity that the authority can understand.

Usage Example:

The easiest way to get familiar with the idea is to look at an example; this will illustrate the use of and the interaction between the IamService and the IdentityService:

const identityService: IIdentityService = new IdentityService();
const iamService: IIAMService = new IAMService(new HttpClient(), identityService, this.config.introspectPath);

// Get the identity for a given JWT token.
const token: String = "Place JWT Token here";
const identity: IIdentity = identityService.getIdentity(token);

// Will result in:
// 1. An UnauthorizedError HTTP Status code, if the identity is not logged in at the authority.
// 2. A ForbiddenError HTTP Status code, if the identity does not have the given claim.
// 3. Nothing, if the identity has the given claim.
iamService.ensureHasClaim(identity, 'allowd_to_read_data');

// Place protected code here.


Using IAM is simple. You can use ensureHasClaim to verify any claim for any identity.

You'll get one of the following results:

  1. Get an Unauthorized Error

    A 401 will be thrown, if the identity is not known to the authority or the token is invalid/expired/etc.

  2. Get a Forbidden Error

    A 403 will be thrown, if the given identity does not have the given claim.

  3. Get Nothing, if the identity has the given claim.

    A 204, which indicates that the identity has the given claim.


The IamService needs some minor configurations; it needs to know:

  1. Its authority.
  2. The client secret.