
Rapid UI HTTP Module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rapiduiQuiverHttp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rapidui/quiver-http';



API Summary


| Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | 650--- | | delete | function(url: string, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a DELETE method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | get | function(url: string, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a GET method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | head | function(url: string, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a HEAD method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | patch | function(url: string, data: any, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a PATCH method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | post | function(url: string, data: any, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a POST method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | put | function(url: string, data: any, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a PUT method to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline. | request | function(url: string | Request, options: RequestOptionsArgs) | Uses underlying @angular [http] to request a generic request to a URL, executing the interceptors as part of the request pipeline.


Service provided with methods that wrap the @angular [Http] service and provide an easier experience for interceptor implementation.

To add a desired interceptor, it needs to implement the [IHttpInterceptor] interface.

export interface IHttpInterceptor {
  onRequest?: (requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs) => RequestOptionsArgs;
  onRequestError?: (requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs) => RequestOptionsArgs;
  onResponse?: (response: Response) => Response;
  onResponseError?: (error: Response) => Response;

Every method is optional, so you can just implement the ones that are needed.


Create your custom interceptors by implementing [IHttpInterceptor]:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { IHttpInterceptor } from '@covalent/http';

export class CustomInterceptor implements IHttpInterceptor {

   onRequest(requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs): RequestOptionsArgs {
    ... // do something to requestOptions before a request
    ... // if something is wrong, throw an error to execute onRequestError (if there is an onRequestError hook)
    if (/*somethingWrong*/) {
      throw new Error('error message for subscription error callback');
    return requestOptions;

  onRequestError(requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs): RequestOptionsArgs {
    ... // do something to try and recover from an error thrown `onRequest` 
    ... // and return the requestOptions needed for the request
    ... // else return 'undefined' or throw an error to execute the error callback of the subscription
    if (cantRecover) {
      throw new Error('error message for subscription error callback'); // or return undefined;
    return requestOptions;

  onResponse(response: Response): Response {
    ... // check response status and do something
    return response;

  onResponseError(error: Response): Response {
    ... // check error status and do something
    return error;

Then, import the [QuiverHttpModule] using the forRoot() method with the desired interceptors and paths to intercept in your NgModule:

import { NgModule, Type } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { QuiverHttpModule, IHttpInterceptor } from '@covalent/http';
import { CustomInterceptor } from 'dir/to/interceptor';

const httpInterceptorProviders: Type<IHttpInterceptor>[] = [

  imports: [
      interceptors: [{
        interceptor: CustomInterceptor, paths: ['**'],
  providers: [
export class MyModule {}

After that, just inject [HttpInterceptorService] and use it for your requests.


The following characters are accepted as a path to intercept

  • ** is a wildcard for [a-zA-Z0-9-_] (including /)
  • * is a wildcard for [a-zA-Z0-9-_] (excluding /)
  • [a-zA-Z0-9-_]


Example 1

/users/*/groups intercepts:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id/groups

/users/*/groups DOES NOT intercept:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups/path
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/path/groups
  • www.url.com/users/groups

Example 2

/users/**/groups intercepts:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/path/groups

/users/**/groups DOES NOT intercept:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups/path
  • www.url.com/users/groups

Example 3

/users/** intercepts:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/path/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups/path
  • www.url.com/users/groups

/users/** DOES NOT intercept:

  • www.url.com/users

Example 4

/users** intercepts:

  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/path/groups
  • www.url.com/users/id-of-user/groups/path
  • www.url.com/users/groups
  • www.url.com/users


API Summary


| Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | 650--- | | query | function(query?: IRestQuery, transform?: IRestTransform) | Creates a GET request to the generated endpoint URL. | get | function(id: string | number, transform?: IRestTransform) | Creates a GET request to the generated endpoint URL, adding the ID at the end. | create | function(obj: T, transform?: IRestTransform) | Creates a POST request to the generated endpoint URL. | update | function(id: string | number, obj: T, transform?: IRestTransform) | Creates a PATCH request to the generated endpoint URL, adding the ID at the end. | delete | function(id: string | number, transform?: IRestTransform) | Creates a DELETE request to the generated endpoint URL, adding the ID at the end. | buildUrl | function(id?: string | number, query?: IRestQuery) | Builds the endpoint URL with the configured properties and arguments passed in the method.


Abstract class provided with methods that wraps http services to facilitate REST API calls.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Response, Http, Headers } from '@angular/http';
import { RESTService, HttpInterceptorService } from '@covalent/http';

export class CustomRESTService extends RESTService<any> {

  constructor(private _http: Http /* or HttpInterceptorService */) {
    super(_http, {
      baseUrl: 'www.api.com',
      path: '/path/to/endpoint',
      headers: new Headers(),
      dynamicHeaders: () => new Headers(),
      transform: (res: Response): any => res.json(),

Note: the constructor takes any object that implements the methods in [IHttp] interface. This can be the @angular [Http] service, the covalent [HttpInterceptorService] or a custom service.

export interface IHttp {
  delete: (url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  get: (url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  head: (url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  patch: (url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  post: (url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  put: (url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;
  request: (url: string | Request, options: RequestOptionsArgs) => Observable<Response>;