
React Native wrapper for Android and iOS ViewPager

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeCommunityViewpager from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@react-native-community/viewpager';


react-native-viewpager ViewPager

CircleCI branch npm package Lean Core Extracted License

This component allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data. Under the hood it is using the native Android ViewPager and the iOS UIPageViewController implementations. See it in action!



3.x 4.0.x, 4.1.x >= 4.2.x 5.x
iOS support Deprecated iOS support iOS support
ViewPager1 support Deprecated Reverted to 3.3.0 ViewPager2 support

Getting started

yarn add @react-native-community/viewpager


>= 0.60

Autolinking will just do the job.

< 0.60

Mostly automatic

react-native link @react-native-community/viewpager

Manual linking

Manually link the library on iOS

Follow the instructions in the React Native documentation to manually link the framework or link using Cocoapods by adding this to your Podfile:

pod 'react-native-viewpager', :path => '../node_modules/@react-native-community/viewpager'
Manually link the library on Android
Make the following changes:


include ':@react-native-community_viewpager'
project(':@react-native-community_viewpager').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@react-native-community/viewpager/android')


dependencies {
   implementation project(':@react-native-community_viewpager')


On top, where imports are:

import com.reactnativecommunity.viewpager.RNCViewPagerPackage;

Add the RNCViewPagerPackage class to your list of exported packages.

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
  return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
    new MainReactPackage(),
    new RNCViewPagerPackage()


import React from 'react';
import {StyleSheet, View, Text} from 'react-native';
import ViewPager from '@react-native-community/viewpager';

const MyPager = () => {
  return (
    <ViewPager style={styles.viewPager} initialPage={0}>
      <View key="1">
        <Text>First page</Text>
      <View key="2">
        <Text>Second page</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  viewPager: {
    flex: 1,

Attention: Note that you can only use View components as children of ViewPager (cf. folder /example) . For Android if View has own children, set prop collapsable to false https://reactnative.dev/docs/view#collapsable, otherwise react-native might remove those children views and and it's children will be rendered as separate pages

Advanced usage

For advanced usage please take a look into our example project


|Prop|Description|Platform| |-|:-----:|:---:| |initialPage|Index of initial page that should be selected|both |scrollEnabled: boolean|Should viewpager scroll, when scroll enabled|both |onPageScroll: (e: PageScrollEvent) => void|Executed when transitioning between pages (ether because the animation for the requested page has changed or when the user is swiping/dragging between pages)|both |onPageScrollStateChanged: (e: PageScrollStateChangedEvent) => void|Function called when the page scrolling state has changed|both |onPageSelected: (e: PageSelectedEvent) => void|This callback will be called once the ViewPager finishes navigating to the selected page|both |pageMargin: number|Blank space to be shown between pages|both |keyboardDismissMode: ('none' / 'on-drag')| Determines whether the keyboard gets dismissed in response to a drag|both |orientation: Orientation|Set horizontal or vertical scrolling orientation (it does not work dynamically)|both |transitionStyle: TransitionStyle|Use scroll or curl to change transition style (it does not work dynamically)|iOS |showPageIndicator: boolean|Shows the dots indicator at the bottom of the view|iOS |overScrollMode: OverScollMode|Used to override default value of overScroll mode. Can be auto, always or never. Defaults to auto|Android |offscreenPageLimit: number|Set the number of pages that should be retained to either side of the currently visible page(s). Pages beyond this limit will be recreated from the adapter when needed. Defaults to RecyclerView's caching strategy. The given value must either be larger than 0.|Android |overdrag: boolean|Allows for overscrolling after reaching the end or very beginning or pages|iOS

Development workflow

To get started with the project, run yarn bootstrap in the root directory to install the required dependencies.

yarn bootstrap

While developing, you can run the example to check your changes

cd example
yarn android
yarn ios

Before sending a pull rquest, make sure your code passes TypeScript and ESLint. Run the following to verify:

yarn typescript
yarn lint

To fix formatting errors, run the following:

yarn lint --fix



horizontal vertical
ViewPager ViewPager


horizontal - scroll horizontal - curl
ViewPager ViewPager
vertical - scroll vertical - curl
ViewPager ViewPager