
A useful and simple Node.js logging system.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reallyusefulLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@reallyuseful/logger';



A simple and extensible logging system for Node.js.

đź‘· Under development

const { Logger } = require('@reallyuseful/logger');
const myLogger = new Logger();
myLogger.info('🌍 Hello, world!');
myLogger.err('đź’Ą An error occurred.', { context: 42 });


Logging to external services

You can log to multiple services at once.


Each logging function returns a Promise that is resolved once all the transports have finished logging.


const logger = new Logger([array of Transports]);
  • If you don’t provide any transports, you’ll get a ConsoleTransport.
  • Logging functions are named after the syslog severity levels. Here they are, from least- to most-severe:

You can pass anything as arguments to these functions. It’s common to pass a string as the first argument, followed by additional objects that you want to log. (Just like console.log.)

  'This is a string',
  { extraInfo: 42 },
  [ 'Gryffindor', 'Hufflepuff', 'Ravenclaw', 'Slytherin' ]

Options for ConsoleTransport

ConsoleTransport can be customized with the following options:

  • level (Level): Don’t log anything below this severity level. Default: log everything
  • color (boolean): If true, console output is colorized. Default: true
  • timestamps (boolean): If true, console output is prefixed with the current timestamp. Default: true
  • prefix (string): If provided, prefix each log message’s details with this string.
const transport = new ConsoleTransport({ <options> });
const logger = new Logger(transport);

Add your own logging service

To log to a service that isn’t listed above, you can create your own Transport.

A Transport is any object with the following properties:

  • A log() method
  • A level property (optional)

log(level, ...details)

The log method takes a severity level as its first argument. Additional arguments are the details to be logged.

The log method returns a Promise, and you should not resolve it until logging is complete. For example, if you are logging to a file, don’t resolve the Promise until the message has been written to disk.

level optional property

If your transport object has a level property, this is the minimum severity to be logged. For example if your object has a level property that is set to Level.warning, then your transport will receive log messages for warning, err, crit, alert and emerg, but not for debug, info or notice.

const verySimpleTransport = {
  level: Level.warning,
  log: (level, ...details) => {
    console.log(Level[level], ...details);
    return Promise.resolve();