
The core preset providing the functionality you need and want.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import remirrorPresetCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@remirror/preset-core';



The core preset providing the functionality you need and want.

Version Weekly Downloads Bundled size Typed Codebase MIT License


yarn add @remirror/preset-core # yarn
pnpm add @remirror/preset-core # pnpm
npm install @remirror/preset-core # npm

This package is available via remirror/presets when you install remirror.


When added to your editor it will provide the required nodes, marks to your editor.

import { corePreset, RemirrorManager } from 'remirror';

// Create the Editor Manager with the required preset.
const manager = RemirrorManager.create([...corePreset({ rootContent: 'block*' })]);