
Library integrating distributed storage projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rsksmartRifStorage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rsksmart/rif-storage';


RIF Storage.js

CircleCI Quality Gate SonarCloud Coverage Dependency Status standard-readme compliant js-standard-style Managed by tAsEgir

Client library integrating distributed storage projects

Warning: This project is in alpha state. There might (and most probably will) be changes in the future to its API and working. Also, no guarantees can be made about its stability, efficiency, and security at this stage.

Table of Contents



> npm install @rsksmart/rif-storage

Use in Node.js

var RifStorage = require('@rsksmart/rif-storage')

Use in a browser with browserify, webpack or any other bundler

var RifStorage = require('@rsksmart/rif-storage')

Use in a browser Using a script tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make the RifStorage obj available in the global namespace.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@rsksmart/rif-storage/dist/index.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@rsksmart/rif-storage/dist/index.js"></script>


This is a client library, therefore you need to provide access to the provider's running node for specifics see Providers.

import RifStorage, { Provider } from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'

// Connects to locally running node
const storage = RifStorage(Provider.IPFS, { host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http' })

const fileHash = await storage.put(Buffer.from('hello world!'))
const retrievedData = await storage.get(fileHash) // Returns Buffer
console.log(retrievedData.toString()) // prints 'hello world!'

const directory = {
  'file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'other-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'folder/with-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'folder/with-other-folder/and-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')}
const rootHash = await storage.put(directory)
const retrievedDirectory = await storage.get(rootHash)


This tool ships with utility class Manager that supports easy usage of multiple providers in your applications. It allows registration of all supported providers and then easy putting/getting data with the same interface as providers.

It has concept of active provider which is the one to which the data are put(). When registering providers the first one will become the active one by default.

import { Manager, Provider } from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'

const storage = new Manager()

// The first added provider becomes also the active one
storage.addProvider(Provider.IPFS, { host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http' })
storage.addProvider(Provider.SWARM, { url: 'http://localhost:8500' })

const ipfsHash = await storage.put(Buffer.from('hello ipfs!')) // Stored to IPFS

const swarmHash = await storage.put(Buffer.from('hello swarm!')) // Stored to Swarm

console.log(storage.get(ipfsHash)) // Retrieves data from IPFS and prints 'hello ipfs!'
console.log(storage.get(swarmHash)) // Retrieves data from Swarm and prints 'hello swarm!'

See Manager's API documentation


This library integrates several (decentralized) storage providers, currently supported is:


in-browser node ✅
content-type support ❌

RifStorage(Provider.IPFS, ipfsOptions)

ipfsOptions are directly passed to js-ipfs-http-client, hence check that for syntax and options.

You can run a node directly in browser using js-ipfs. Just create instance and pass it instance instead of ipfsOption.

When data are putted to IPFS they are automatically pinned on the node and CIDv1 is returned.

You can access the js-ipfs-http-client instance using .ipfs property of the StorageProvider object.


in-browser node ❌
content-type support ✅

RifStorage(Provider.SWARM, bzzOptions)

bzzOptions can be:

  • url?: string: URL of the running Swarm node. If not specified than requests will be aimed to from which URL the script of served (in browser). Or it fails (in NodeJs).
  • timeout?: number | false: number which specifies timeout period. Default value is 10000 (ms). If false then no timeout.


Bellow is summary of the main APIs. See full API documentation here

factory(type: Provider, options: object) -> IpfsStorageProvider | SwarmStorageProvider

exposed as default export of the library

import RifStorage, {Provider} from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'
const provider = RifStorage(Provider.IPFS, options)

Provider enum


Enum of supported providers.

import {Provider} from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'

Directory interface

Directory represents directory structure where keys are paths and values is DirectoryEntry object. For example like:

const directory = {
  'some/directory/with/file': {
    data: 'some string to store',
    contentType: 'text/plain',
    size: 20

DirectoryEntry interface

Object represents a file and some of its metadata in Directory object. Used both for data input (eq. as part of Directory for put()) or when retrieving data using get() in case the address is not a single file.

  • data can be string, Buffer, Readable
  • size?: number can be left out except when data is Readable. Only applicable for Swarm.
  • contentType?: string is applicable only for Swarm provider.


Alternative data structure for representing directories. Used mainly together with streaming. It is an array containing Entry objects that is DirectoryEntry & { path: string }


const directory = [
    path: 'file',
    data: 'some string to store',
    path: 'folder/and/file',
    data: 'some string to store',

StorageProvider interface

Interface implemented by IPFS and Swarm providers. Returned by factory().

StorageProvider.put(data, options) -> Promise<string>



When you are adding single-file or buffer/string/readable you can specify file-name under which it should be stored, using the options. When you do that the original data are wrapped in folder in order to persist this information. Therefore when you .get() this address then the result will be Directory of one file.

StorageProvider.get(address, options) -> Promise<Directory<Buffer> | Buffer>

Retrieves data from provider's network.


  • address - string hash or CID
  • options - options passed to either IPFS's get() or Swarm.


  • Buffer if the address was pointing to single raw file
  • Directory if the address was pointing to directory or single file with metadata

You can distinguish between these two using isDirectory(obj) or isFile(obj).

import {isFile, isDirectory} from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'

const data = await provider.get('some directory hash')

console.log(isFile(data)) // false
console.log(isDirectory(data)) // true

StorageProvider.getReadable(address, options) -> Promise<Readable<DirectoryArray>>

Retrieves data from provider's network using streaming support.


  • address - string hash or CID
  • options - options passed to either IPFS's getReadable() or Swarm.

Returns Readable in object mode that yields Entry objects with Readable as data. The data has to be fully processed before moving to next entry.


There are some ways you can make this module better:

  • Consult our open issues and take on one of them
  • Help our tests reach 100% coverage!
