
The Avatar component is the representation of a user.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sUiReactMoleculeAvatar from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar';


MoleculeAvatar 👤

The Avatar component is the representation of a user.


$ npm install @s-ui/react-molecule-avatar


Basic usage

Import package and use the component

import MoleculeAvatar from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

return <MoleculeAvatar />

Import the styles (Sass)

@import '~@s-ui/theme/lib/index';
// @import 'your theme';
@import '~@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar/lib/index';



If no name or src is set, a default icon will be displayed by default, it can be customized using fallbackIcon prop

import MoleculeAvatar from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

const FallbackIconStory = () => (
    <MoleculeAvatar />
    <MoleculeAvatar fallbackIcon={<Icon />} />


If name is set but src is not the initials of the name will be used to generate a accessible background color

import MoleculeAvatar from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

const FallbackNameStory = () => (
    <MoleculeAvatar name="Jon Snow" />


Modify the size of the avatar with size prop. Choose between xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge and xxlarge

import MoleculeAvatar, {AVATAR_SIZES} from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

const SizeStory = () => (
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.XSMALL} />
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.SMALL} />
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.MEDIUM} />
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.LARGE} />
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.XLARGE} />
    <MoleculeAvatar size={USER_AVATAR_SIZES.XXLARGE} />


If src is set an image will be displayed, if it fails one of the fallbacks will be used instead.

import MoleculeAvatar from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

const ImageStory = () => (
    <MoleculeAvatar name="Jon Snow" src="https://www.images/jon_snow.png" />


Use MoleculeAvatar.Badge component to display a status badge.

import MoleculeAvatar from '@s-ui/react-molecule-avatar'

const BadgeStory = () => (
    <MoleculeAvatar name="Jon Snow">
      <MoleculeAvatar.Badge />

Find full description and more examples in the demo page.