
Module Based FrontEnd Orginazor - Features - Motivation - Install - Layers - Module - Global Module - HTTPClient - Provider - Controller - Mapper - Cache - Action Guard - Localizations - Utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sabasayerModuleCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sabasayer/module.core';


Table of contents

Module Based FrontEnd Orginazor

Every module is a project. Which can use other modules and can be used from other modules. Modules can have isolated or shared dependencies.


  • Dependecy Injection with decorators
  • Layers for organization. (HttpClient, DataProvider, Controller, Mapper, Cache ...)
  • Utility classes.
  • Most dependencies uses Interfaces including utility classes. So you can write your own implementation or use default implementations.


Main motivation is to orginaze complicated enterprise level frontend projects that has many different modules that differs from each other in a way that business logic or application logic.

Organizes the part between backend and presentation of frontEnd. So there is no rendering part here.

Sits in between two side, from getting and sending data to backend to rendering html, listening events.

To be more spesific. Communicates with backend and frontEnd framework. (Vue, React or your own render code)



npm i @sabasayer/module.core --save


yarn @sabasayer/module.core



Keeps track of dependinces and provides them. Create a class that extends CoreModule .

class MyModule extends CoreModule {
    //module spesific configurations

const myModule = new MyModule();

//(optional)register decorators for dependency Injection

export {myModule};

Create Dependency Injection Decorator if you want to use them.

export const xInjectable = new InjectableDecorators();

Use injectable decorator to inject dependencies. You can use class or @inject decorator with token to inject.

export class SomeNormalClass {
  constructor(private xController:XController,private yController:YControlller)

export class OtherClass{
  constructor(@inject('A') private someNormalClass:any)

Use module. HttpClient is required by default.


Use module resolve functions, or class constructor arguments.

const someFunction = () => {
  const xController = xModule.resolveController(XController);
  const yController = yModule.resolve(XController)

Mocking dependincies for testing.

describe("some test",()=>{
  beforeEach(()=> {

  it("should work",() => {
    class TestXController implements IXController{


Global Module

globalModule is the top level parent container. It contains some utility classes like :

  • Localization
  • CloneUtil
  • EncryptionUtil
  • PerformanceUtil
  • DateUtil
  • Observer
  • SharedHeaders

These classes instances must be registered to globalModule before everything. There are default implementations, also you can write your own implementation and register their instances.



Communicates with backend. There is a FetchHttpClient that uses Fetch api. You can write your own implementation.

HttpClient does not depend anything but some other layers depend on it . So create it first after globalModule and module.

export const fetchClient = new FetchHTTPClient({
  hostName: "api.comed.com.tr",
  languagePrefix: "tr-tr",
  prefix: "api/json",
  headers: {
    "x-application-key": "/uq+fiM1AzYe7bHAJCixzg==",
    "content-type": "application/json",




Communicates with HTTPClient. I suggest that create one provider for each entity. implements IProvider but extending from CoreProvider is highly suggested.

Auto injects first registered HttpClient as dependency.

export class AuthProvider extends BaseProvider {
  protected baseUrl = "core/auth";

  signIn(request: SignInRequest) {
    return this.post(signInRequestConfig, request);

  signOut(request: SignOutRequest) {
    return this.post(signOutRequestConfig, request);


export const signInRequestConfig: IRequestConfig<
> = {
  url: "signIn",

export const signOutRequestConfig: IRequestConfig<SignOutRequest, string> = {
  url: "signOut",


Presentation layer must communicates with controllers only for data transfers. Caching, mapping etc. is handled by controller. Controller mostly uses other classes.

export class AuthController implements IController {
  constructor(private provider: AuthProvider) {}

  async signIn(request: SignInRequest) {
    return this.provider.signIn(request);


Create map options between two interfaces. implements IMapper<TSource,TTarget> . There is a default implementation = CoreMapper

interface FirstType {
  first: string;
  second: number;

interface SecondType {
  first: string;
  age: number;
  sum: string;

const mapper = new CoreMapper<FirstType, SecondType>();

  .forTarget("age", "second")
  .forTarget("sum", (from) => `${from.first} ${from.second}`);

const mapped = mapper.mapToTarget({ first: "orange", second: 231 });


Implements ICache interface. There are two implementations. MemoryCache, SessionStorageCache

Action Guard

Define an ActionGuard and run for validation.

const actionGuard = createActionGuard((options:number) => {
  if(options > 10) throw "Cannot be bigger than 10";

  return true;


const res = await actionGuard.validate(12);
// res = { valid: false, errorMessage: 'Cannot be bigger than 10' }

const res2 = await actionGuard.validate(5);
//res = { valid: true}


Register localization to globalModule and use it from there. There is a defaultLocalization with basic abilities

export const translations: LocalizationTranslations = {
  "en-us": {
      "hostName or proper hostNames must be defined",
      'There is no class registered with key "%s"',
  "tr-tr": {
      "Uygun hostName veya hostNames tanımlanmalı",
      '"%s" keyi ile bir sınıf kayıt edilmedi',



Utility classes for making your life easier. Some of them used by other classes if theye are registered to globalModule.

Utility Default Explanation
ICLoneUtil defaultCloneUtil clone, cloneDeep values. Used by clone decorator
ILocalization defaultLocalization translate strings. Used by CustomErrors.
IDateUtil defaultDateUtil date functions
IEncryptUtil defaultEncryptUtil Encrypt and decrypt data. Used by Cache utils
IPerformanceUtil performanceUtil Measure performance of code blocks. Used by measurePerformace decorator.
IObserver Observer publish subscribe data.