
Minimalist request generator for SES (AWS Simple Email Service).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import saibotsivadAwsSes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@saibotsivad/aws-ses';



Minimalist request generator for SES (AWS Simple Email Service).

Generates the url, headers, and body for a POST request to the AWS SES API, using the v4 signing algorithm.


Any of the normal ways:

npm install @saibotsivad/aws-ses


Following the documentation, e.g. for sending an email:

import { awsSes, extractResponse } from '@saibotsivad/aws-ses'
import { post } from 'httpie'

const generateRequest = awsSes({
    credentials: {
        region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
        accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

const sendEmail = async email => {
    const { url, headers, body } = await generateRequest('SendEmail', email)

    let response
    try {
        response = await post(url, { headers, body })
    } catch (error) {
        response = error

    return {
        success: response.statusCode === 200,
        data: response.data

// ...then later:
const { data, success } = await sendEmail({
    Destination: {
        ToAddresses: [
    Message: {
        Body: {
            Text: {
                Charset: 'UTF-8',
                Data: 'Plaintext message body.'
        Subject: {
            Charset: 'UTF-8',
            Data: 'Hello user!'
    ReplyToAddresses: [
    Source: 'office@site.com'

// convenience helper function
console.log(extractResponse(data)) // => { messageId, ... }


This library exports two functions, extractResponse and awsSes.

extractResponse: function ( String ) => Object

A convenience function which uses a regular expression to extract the <MessageId /> value from the response data, which is an XML string.

Note: If you have an XML parsing library in your project already, it would be safer to use that instead.

Returns an object with the following possible properties:

  • messageId: String The id of the sent message, if appropriate to the action.
  • requestId: String The id of the API request, generated by AWS.
  • errorType: String The error type, if present, e.g. Sender.
  • errorCode: String The error code, if present, e.g. MessageRejected.
  • errorMessage: String The full error message, if present.

awsSes: function ( Object<{ configuration: Object }> ) => generateRequest: function

Instantiates a request generator. Pass in an object with the property configuration containing the AWS configuration and credentials.

The configuration object takes the following properties:

  • region: String (required) The AWS region, e.g. us-east-1.
  • accessKeyId (required) The identifier of the access key.
  • secretAccessKey (required) The key secret.

generateRequest: async function ( action: String, params: Object ) => Object<{ url, headers, body }>

Generate the request parameters using the v4 signature algorithm.

  • action: String (required) Any valid action defined in the documentation.
  • params: Object (required) Whatever the parameters are for that action.

Returns an object with parameters necessary for making the POST request.

  • url: String The URL for the specified region, e.g. https://email.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
  • headers: Object<String, String> The headers map containing the signed authorization headers.
  • body: String The form-url encoded body string.


Published and released with love under the Very Open License.