
A library for making type-safe HTTP requests built on the popular Axios client.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import salusJsHttpClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@salus-js/http-client';



A library for making type-safe HTTP requests built on the popular Axios client.


@salus-js/http-client builds on @salus-js/codec and @salus-js/http to make runtime type-checked HTTP requests a breeze. Let's run through a quick sample:

import { t } from '@salus-js/codec'
import { http } from '@salus-js/http'
import { AxiosClient } from '@salus-js/http-client'

const todoResource = t.object({
  userId: t.number,
  id: t.number,
  title: t.string,
  completed: t.boolean

const todoParams = t.object({
  id: t.number

const getTodo = http.get('/todos/:id', {
  params: todoParams,
  response: todoResource

const client = AxiosClient.create('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/')

const responsePromise = client.execute(getTodo, {
  params: {
    id: 1

responsePromise.then((response) => {


Client Instance

When creating a new instance of the Salus Axios client, you need to specify a default baseURL. This URL will be prepended to all paths defined in your operations. Note that you are able to override the baseURL for a specific request.