
portal 桥接工具

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import saryzPortalBridge from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@saryz/portal-bridge';





返回promise以便可以在 async/await 时使用使代码逻辑更清晰

安装 install

npm i @saryz/portal-bridge -S

快速使用 Quick to use

监听 listen

import { PortalReceive } from "@saryz/portal-bridge"

// key 为子父约定 
PortalReceive.listen(key, ({ data }) => {
  // do something

触发 trigger

子->父 postToParent(子触发父方法)

import { PortalSend } from "@saryz/portal-bridge"

const params = { ... }
// key 为子父约定 
PortalSend.postToParent(key, params)

父->子 postToIframe(父触发子方法)

import { PortalSend } from "@saryz/portal-bridge"

const params = { ... }
// iframe:HTMLIFrameElement 
// const iframe = this.$refs.iframe // Vue
// const iframe = document.getElementById('iframe') // js
PortalSend.postToIframe(iframe, key, params)

回调 callback

获取父页面数据 Get the parent page data

/**** parent.js ****/
const key = 'getUserInfo'
const iframe = this.$refs.iframe
const params = { name: 'saryz', ... }
PortalReceive.listen(key, (data) => {
  console.log('Received data from iframe', data)
  PortalSend.postToIframe(iframe, key, params)

/**** child.js * example vue ****/
methods: {
  // get the parent page data 获取父页面数据
    const params = { msg: 'Please give me the user information' }
    const key = 'getUserInfo'
    PortalSend.postToParent(key, params, (data) => {
      console.log('parent page data', data)
      // do something

获取子页面数据 Get the child page data

/**** child.js ****/
const key = 'submit'
const params = { name: 'saryz', ... }
PortalReceive.listen(key, (data) => {
  console.log('father need me', data)
  // do something or What also not stem
  PortalSend.postToParent(key, params )

/**** father.js * example vue ****/
methods: {
  // get the parent page data 获取父页面数据
    const params = { msg: 'Mahler gobi submit!' }
    const key = 'submit'
    const iframe = this.$refs.iframe
    PortalSend.postToIframe(iframe, key, params, ({data}) => {
      console.log('child data', data) // { name: 'saryz', ... }
      // do something

接口 interface

 * 监听
listen(methodName: string, callback: PortalBridgeCallback): void;

* 发消息给iframe中的子页面
* @param iframe 必填,iframe对应的dom
* @param methodName 必填,通信名
* @param data 非必填,要传输的数据
* @param callback 非必填,通信回调,用于直接接收子级返回数据
postToIframe(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement, methodName: string, data?: any, callback?: PortalBridgeCallback | undefined): void;

* 发消息给父级页面
* @param methodName 必填,通信名
* @param data 非必填,要传输的数据
* @param callback 非必填,通信回调,用于直接接收父级返回数据
postToParent(methodName: string, data?: any, callback?: PortalBridgeCallback | undefined): void;