
import html and get the exports of entry

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import satumjsImportHtmlEntry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@satumjs/import-html-entry';



Treats the index html as manifest and loads the assets(css,js), get the exports from entry script.

Fork from import-html-entry.

<!-- subApp/index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <!-- mark the entry script with entry attribute -->
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/mobx@5.0.3/lib/mobx.umd.js" entry></script>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@16.4.2/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
import importHTML from "@satumjs/import-html-entry";

importHTML("./subApp/index.html").then((res) => {

    res.execScripts().then((exports) => {
        const mobx = exports;
        const { observable } = mobx;
            name: "valleykid",


importHTML(url, opts?)

  • url - string - required, URL of the index HTML.
  • opts - ImportEntryOpts - optional, Load configuration.
  • Promise<IImportResult>
  • ImportEntryOpts

    • fetch - typeof window.fetch | { fn?: typeof window.fetch, autoDecodeResponse?: boolean } - optional, Custom fetch method.
      • autoDecodeResponse - optional, Auto decode when the charset is not utf-8(like gbk or gb2312), default is false.
    • getPublicPath - (entry: Entry) => string - optional, Customize the assets public path.
    • getTemplate - (tpl: string) => string - optional, Customize the HTML template before proceeding.
  • IImportResult

    • entry - string | Entry - URL of the index HTML.
    • template - string - Processed HTML template.
    • assetPublicPath - string - Public path for assets.
    • entryScript - string | undefined - URL of the entry script file.
    • scripts - string[] - Script URLs.
    • styles - string[] - StyleSheet URLs.
    • getExternalScripts - Promise<string[]> - Scripts URL from template.
    • getExternalStyleSheets - Promise<string[]> - StyleSheets URL from template.
    • execScripts - (sandbox?: object, strictGlobal?: boolean, execScriptsHooks?: ExecScriptsHooks): Promise<unknown> - the return value is the last property on window or proxy window which set by the entry script.
      • sandbox - optional, Window or proxy window.
      • strictGlobal - optional, Strictly enforce the sandbox.
  • ExecScriptsHooks

    • beforeExec - (code: string, script: string) => string | void - optional, call it before executing each script, if return value is a string, replace code with return value.
      • code - The inline script as a string.
      • script - The URL of external script.
    • afterExec - (code: string, script: string) => void - optional, call it after executing each script, and the call will stop if the execution error occurs.
      • code - The inline script as a string.
      • script - The URL of external script.

Treats the index html as manifest and loads the assets(css,js), get the exports from entry script.

import importHTML from "@satumjs/import-html-entry";

const opts = {
    fetch: {
        fn: (...args) => window.fetch(...args),
        autoDecodeResponse: true,
    getPublicPath: (entry) => `${entry}/newPublicPath/`,
    getTemplate: (tpl) => tpl.replace(/SOME_RULES/, "\n//Replaced\n"),

importHTML("./subApp/index.html").then((res) => {
    res.execScripts().then((exports) => {

importEntry(entry, opts?)

  • entry - Entry - required, URL of the index HTML or assets.
  • opts - ImportEntryOpts - optional, Load configuration.
  • Promise<IImportResult>
  • Entry - string | { styles?: string[], scripts?: string[], html?: string } - When type as string, importEntry will run as importHTML, otherwise will load scripts and add styleSheets in your HTML string which you're provided or not.
    • styles - The URL for styles.
    • scripts - The URL for scripts.
    • html - The HTML template as a string, default is empty string.

Other type as same as importHTML.


Loads the assets(css,js) and embed into HTML template, get the exports from entry script.

import { importEntry } from "@satumjs/import-html-entry";

const opts = {
    fetch: {
        fn: (...args) => window.fetch(...args),
        autoDecodeResponse: true,
    getPublicPath: (entry) => `${entry}/newPublicPath/`,
    getTemplate: (tpl) => tpl.replace(/SOME_RULES/, "\n//Replaced\n"),

const entryOpts = {
    styles: ["https://unpkg.com/antd@3.13.6/dist/antd.min.css"],
    scripts: ["https://unpkg.com/react@16.4.2/umd/react.production.min.js"],
    html: `<!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                <div id="root"></div>

importEntry("./subApp/index.html").then((res) => {
    res.execScripts().then((exports) => {

execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy, opts?)

  • entry - string - required, The URL of entry assets (will use last of scripts when entry is null).
  • scripts - string[] - required, The URL for scripts (should always include entry when entry is valid URL).
  • proxy - Window - required, Window or proxy window.
  • opts - ExecScriptsOpts - optional, Exec configuration.
  • Promise<T> - The returned value is the last property on window or proxy window which set by the entry script.
  • ExecScriptsOpts
    • fetch - typeof window.fetch - optional, Custom fetch method.
    • strictGlobal - boolean - optional, Strictly enforce the sandbox.
    • success - (exports: unknown) => void - optional, Use callback to get the result when successfully. - exports - Same as the return value.
    • error - CallableFunction - optional, Use callback to get the result when error.

Loads the scripts by URL on the custom sandbox, get the exports from entry script.

import { execScripts } from '@satumjs/import-html-entry';

const scripts = [

    windows, // or custom sandbox
        fetch: (...args) => window.fetch(...args),,
        strictGlobal: true,
        success: () => {},
        error: () => {},