Scrypta-Core NPM
Scrypta Core
JS implementation of main wallet features.
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This is the main client side library of Scrypta Blockchain, written in NodeJS.
You can use this version by installing it directly from npm:
npm install --save @scrypta/core
Use your own IdaNodes
To override the IdaNodes list you've to rewrite the array like this:
let ScryptaCore = require('@scrypta/core')
let scrypta = new ScryptaCore
scrypta.staticnodes = true
scrypta.mainnetIdaNodes = ['http://localhost:3001', '']
Scrypta-Core CLI (WIP)
If you want to use the module as a CLI you have to run:
sudo npm link
Then you'll be able to run commands like:
scrypta getinfo
This feature is a work in progress and will be released soon.