
Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sdabhi23KerasJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sdabhi23/keras-js';


**This project is no longer active. Please check out TensorFlow.js.**
This fork is not being actively maintained.

Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL


Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support provided by WebGL 2. Models can be run in Node.js as well, but only in CPU mode. Because Keras abstracts away a number of frameworks as backends, the models can be trained in any backend, including TensorFlow, CNTK, etc.

Library version compatibility: Keras 2.1.2

The demos and tests are available in the original repository


MIT License