
A simple helper component that uses an array with a list of web application pages to render component `<Route>` (from `react-router-dom`) for each page from that array.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sdflcReactRouterPages from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sdflc/react-router-pages';


@sdflc / React Router Pages

This is simple helper component for react application that uses an array with a list of pages to render component <Route> (from react-router-dom) for each page from that array. In some cases it may simplify web application page management.


npm install @sdflc/react-router-pages


To start using the component you need to follow the steps:

  • create pages components - components that represent each page. For an example, see below file src/pages/index.js
  • create a layout component(s) - optional components that wrap each page. For an example, see below file src/layouts/layoutMain.js
  • create a site map array - the array should contain information about all the pages. For an example, see below file src/siteMap.js
  • optionaly create componentsMap object to pass so you could make siteMap as json file with names of components instead of references to components classes. For an example, see below file src/componentsMap.js
  • use <SdFlcReactRouterPages/> instead of react-router-dom <Route> components in the src/App.js file as this component will render them for you.



The required siteMap property is an array containing items of the following structure:

  name: 'Projects', // Page name, you can use it in your component when displaying page name
  subtitle: 'Manage your projects on this page', // Page subtitle, you can use it in your component when displaying page name
  url: '/projects', // Page URL for exact page match passed to <Router>. If this parameter is provided next one is ignored
  urlMask: '/projects/edit/:projectId', // Page URL mask for page with parameters for not exact match passed to <Router>
  component: ProjectPage, // A component that renders the page content
  layout: DefaultLaout, // Optional component that is used as layout, ie wraps the page.
  visible: true, // Optional boolean, you can use it when building navigation menu from this array
  options: null, // Optional object you can use to pass extra parameters to the page.
  items: [], // An array of pages that go under the page. For example, 
             // if this is the '/projects' page, you can add '/projects/add' 
             // or '/projects/edit/:projectId' 

Each page component gets the following props:

  • page - the page details information. An item from siteMap array
  • siteMap - the site map array
  • rolesDontMatch - boolean which is true in this case
  • other properties provided by react-router-dom


The optional layout prop is used to wrap all the pages components with this one. It can be used to define default pages layout containing navigation menu, footer, etc. If a page has its own layout prop then it will be used instead of global one.

This component gets the following props:

  • page - the page details information. An item from siteMap array
  • siteMap - the site map array
  • rolesDontMatch - boolean which is true in this case
  • other properties provided by react-router-dom


The optional componentsMap prop is used to pages and layouts components look up by names. It allows you to use string names for components and layouts in the siteMap array instead of components themselves. Thus you can make siteMap as json file that can be either local or remote.


The optional failoverComponent prop makes sense to use together with componentsMap in order to render failoverComponent in case when page/layout component was not found in the componentsMap prop. In this case, the failoverComponent is used for rendering where failoverFor and page props are passed. The failoverFor will have either layout or page string value so your failover component could render something meaningful for a user.

This component gets the following props:

  • page - the page details information. An item from siteMap array
  • siteMap - the site map array
  • rolesDontMatch - boolean which is true in this case
  • other properties provided by react-router-dom


The optional roles prop is a string array or a function that can be used to render only those pages that have at least one role matched to array in the props. For explanation please see the example below


The optional rolesDontMatchComponent prop defines a component to use for pages that have roles which can't be found in this component's roles prop. This component will be wrapped default page's layout or by rolesDontMatchLayout if it is present. Using this component you can notify user that he tries to get access to restricted page and possible provide him ways to get the access.

This component gets the following props:

  • page - the page details information. An item from siteMap array
  • siteMap - the site map array
  • rolesDontMatch - boolean which is true in this case
  • other properties provided by react-router-dom


The optional rolesDontMatchLayout prop defines a component that will be used as a layout for the rolesDontMatchComponent.

This component gets the following props:

  • page - the page details information. An item from siteMap array
  • siteMap - the site map array
  • rolesDontMatch - boolean which is true in this case
  • other properties provided by react-router-dom



This is default react's App.js file where you need to use the <SdFlcReactRouterPages/> component:

import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import SdFlcReactRouterPages from '@sdflc/react-router-pages';
import siteMap from './siteMap';
import MainLayout from './layouts/layoutMain';

function App() {
  return (
      failoverComponent={({ failoverFor, page, children }) => {
        console.log('Failover:', failoverFor, page);
        return (<div data-failover={failoverFor}>{children}</div>);
      roles={['manager','admin']} // this prop will not allow to render pages that have not empty `page` which should be a string array


export default App;


This is the file that exports a mapping object.

import LayoutNotFound from './layouts/layoutNotFound';
import {
} from './pages';

const componentsMap = {
  content: ContentPage,
  projects: ProjectsPage,
  projectEdit: ProjectEditPage,
  users: UsersPage,
  notFound: NotFoundPage,
  layoutNotFound: LayoutNotFound

export default componentsMap;


This is the file where you define your site map - array of objects with pages names, urls and their hierarchical structure:

import LayoutNotFound from './layouts/layoutNotFound';
import {
} from './pages';

const siteMap = [
    name: 'Home',
    subtitle: 'welcome to the app',
    url: '/',
    component: 'content', // note that we use string we would hook up with the componentsMap.
    options: {
      some: 'Test'
    name: 'About',
    subtitle: '',
    url: '/about',
    component: ContentPage // note that we use component here
    name: 'Projects',
    subtitle: 'manage your projects on the page',
    url: '/projects',
    component: 'projects', // note that we use string we would hook up with the componentsMap.
    roles: ['manager'], // make sure we render the page only if <SdFlcReactRouterPages/> has 'manager' in its `roles` array.
    items: [
        name: 'Edit',
        subtitle: 'project settings',
        url: '/projects/edit/:projectId',
        component: 'projectEdit', // note that we use string we would hook up with the componentsMap.
        visible: false,
        options: {
          mode: 'edit'
    name: 'Not Found',
    url: '*',
    component: 'notFound', // note that we use string we would hook up with the componentsMap.
    layout: 'layoutNotFound' // note that we use string we would hook up with the componentsMap.

export default siteMap;


This is an example of building a navigation component for pages layouts. Note that the component gets siteMap you providede to <SdFlcReactRouterPages/> as well as current page from the map as page prop. So, you can use the information to dynamically build navigation menu.

import React, { memo } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { processRoutes } from '@sdflc/react-router-pages';

 * Renders layout's navigation menu. 
 * Note: props.page has information on the current page.
 * @param {object} props - the component properties
const Navigation = (props) => {
  const { siteMap } = props;
  const parentUrl = (props.page.parent || {}).url || '';
  const menu = processRoutes(siteMap).filter(page => !page.parent && page.visible === true);
  const lastPageIdx = menu.length - 1;
  const menuItems = menu.map((page, idx) => {
    return (
        {(props.page.url === page.url) 
          ? (<b>{page.name}</b>)
          : (<Link to={page.url}>{page.name}</Link>)
        {idx < lastPageIdx && (
          <span> | </span>

  return (
        {parentUrl && (
            <span> | </span>
            <Link to={props.page.parent.url}>Go Back</Link>

export default memo(Navigation);


This is default page layout for this example. You may want to ommit using layout component. In this example we add navigation menu to the layout which is used by all the pages.

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Navigation } from '../components';

const MainLayout = ({ children, page }) => {
  return (
    <div style={{ backgroundColor: '#fefefe', padding: '20px'}}>
      <Navigation {...{ page }} />

export  default MainLayout;


This layout is used by the PageNotFound page component. You may want to ommit using page level layout components.

const LayoutNotFound = ({ children }) => {
  return (
    <div style={{ backgroundColor: '#333', color: '#fff', padding: '20px'}}>

export default LayoutNotFound;


This layout is used by <SdFlcReactRouterPages/> to render rolesDontMatchComponent component.

import React from 'react';
import { Navigation } from '../components';

const RolesDontMatchLayout = ({ children, page, siteMap }) => {
  return (
    <div style={{ backgroundColor: '#880000', padding: '20px', color: 'white' }}>
      <Navigation {...{ page, siteMap }} />

export  default RolesDontMatchLayout;


This is a demo file with pages components referenced to from the siteMap array.

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const Header = (props) => {
  return (
        {props.page.subtitle && <small>{props.page.subtitle}</small>}

const ContentPage = (props) => {
  return (
      <Header {...props} />
      <h3>Page props:</h3>
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(props, null, '  ')}</pre>

const ProjectsPage = (props) => {
  return (
      <Header {...props} />
      <p>List of projects:</p>
      <Link to='/projects/edit/1'>Edit Project 1</Link>

const ProjectEditPage = (props) => {
  return (
      <Header {...props} />
      <h3>Page props:</h3>
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(props, null, '  ')}</pre>

const NotFoundPage = () => {
  return (
    <div>Not Found</div>

const FailoverPage = ({ failoverFor, children, ...rest }) => {
  return (
      <h2>Failover for {failoverFor}</h2>
      <h3>Page props:</h3>
      <pre style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}>{JSON.stringify(rest, null, '  ')}</pre>

const RolesDontMatchPage = (props) => {
  return (
      <Header {...props} />
      <h2>Access Denied</h2>
      <h3>Page props:</h3>
      <pre style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}>{JSON.stringify(props, null, '  ')}</pre>

export {