
JS Lib documentation: https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query/blob/1.x/README.md

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seamonsterStudiosBsReactQuery from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@seamonster-studios/bs-react-query';


React Query bindings (1.x)

JS Lib documentation: https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query/blob/1.x/README.md

Install: yarn add @seamonster-studios/bs-react-query @seamonster-studios/bs-lodash @seamonster-studios/react-hooks

Add @seamonster-studios/bs-react-query to your bsconfig.json

Example Usage:

// App.re
let make = () => {
  let queryConfig =
    React.useMemo0(() =>
      ReactQuery.ConfigProvider.(config(~onError=error => error->Js.log, ()))

  <ReactQuery.ConfigProvider config=queryConfig>
    <Posts />

// AuthHooks.re

include ReactQuery.QuerySet({
  type key = string;
  type data = Result.t(Auth.authResponseData, Decco.decodeError);
  type queryVars = unit;
  type mutateVars = Auth0.user;

let endpoint = "/login";

let useAuthed = Query.use(~key=ready ? endpoint->Some : None, ~options?, (key, _) =>
  // return a promise with value with the same type as data

let useLogin = () => Mutation.use(_ => {
  // return a promise with value with the same type as data

// Root.re
let make = () => {
  let url = ReasonReactRouter.useUrl();

  let authed =
      ~options=AuthHooks.Query.Options.(make(~retry=0, ())),

  {switch (authed.status, authed.isFetching) {
    | (Success(Ok(authedStatus)), _) =>
      <SiteLayout authed=true>
        <RootAuthed authedStatus documentReferrer />
    | (Loading, true) => <Loaders.SplashScreen />
    | (Loading, false)
    | (Success(Error(_)), _)
    | (Error(_), _) =>
      <SiteLayout authed=false>
          {switch (url.path) {
            //  screens by path