
A Node-Red node to insert data into Clarify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import searisNodeRedContribClarify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@searis/node-red-contrib-clarify';



Node-Red Nodes for adding data to Clarify. Learn more about Clarify at: https://www.clarify.io

Available nodes are:

  • clarify_insert: A node to create signals, update meta-data and insert data into Clarify.
  • clarify_api: A configuration node to establish connection to Clarify.

Clarify Insert Node

This node will create a json-database to keep track of the signals and meta data written to Clarify.

This database will be stored in the default userDir. By default, this directory is a directory called .node-red under the user's home directory, but can be overriden in the node-red-settings.js.

If you are moving your node-red instance or creating backups, be sure to include the folder clarify_db/.


You can find an example flow that shows how to use the insert node in examples/random-data-example.json. Please review the Generate Data function. Also remember to update the clarify_api configuration node with credentials downloaded from your integration in the Clarify Admin Panel.

Clarify Insert Node

Any questions? Send us an email on support@clarify.io

Backwards compatibility

From v1.0.0-beta.4 we do not expect to do any breaking changes to the insert node input message format. However we might add new optional fields.

As for the insert node output message format, development is still ongoing, and breaking changes must be expected before the final v1.0.0 release. The number of outputs may also change.


The changelog is introduced from v.1.0.0-beta.4, and describe changes from v.1.0.0-beta.3.


  • Changed default branch name from master to main.


  • Change outputs to only output data from Clarify servers.
  • Merged the two outputs from the insert block into one output. See node documentation for more information.
  • Change Clarify URLs from clarify.us to clarify.io.


  • Moved code from repo github.com/searis to github.com/clarify.


  • Bugfix: reset mutex on http error in fetchToken


  • Minimum buffertime is 5 seconds
  • Use new endpoint for access tokens

1.0.0-beta.4 - Breaking changes from -beta.3

Updated the format of the messages according to this proposal: https://github.com/clarify/node-red-contrib-clarify/issues/28

  • The Input ID is put in msg.topic
  • The signal meta data is moved out of the payload to msg.signal
  • msg.payload.data.times is renamed/moved to msg.payload.times
  • msg.payload.data.series is renamed/moved to msg.payload.values

New message format:

  topic: "<Input ID>"
    times: ["<timestamp>", ...]
    values: [(<number>||null), ...]
  signal: <Signal> // Match https://docs.clarify.io/reference#signal