npm install @seasketch/shapefile-importer
const importSketches = require('@seasketch/shapefile-importer');
const path = require('path');
const DB = process.env.MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING;
const USER_ID = process.env.USER_ID;
const PROJECT_ID = process.env.PROJECT_ID;
const shapefilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'shapes.shp');
importSketches(shapefilePath, DB, USER_ID, PROJECT_ID, async (geometry, attributes) => {
return {
NAME: attributes.UID,
// split into sketch classes based on subregion
SKETCH_CLASS_ID: attributes.SUBREGION === "CC" ? "123" : "abc",
// You can specify a collection to create and place sketches within:
type: collectionIds[attributes.SUBREGION],
name: `${attributes.SUBREGION} import`
Running this script will enable an interactive CLI that will report on how many sketches were generated, display any errors, and prompt whether to proceed with entry into the database.