SecureCodeBox Worker
A wrapper to easily integrate new scanner into the secureCodeBox.
This bundles a few basic concernes every worker service should fullfill:
- Fetching and completing Tasks
- Healthcheck endpoints
- Error handeling
This libary is compatible with Node 8 and beyond.
npm install @securecodebox/securecodebox-worker
This example shows how this libary can be used:
const SecureCodeBoxWorker = require('@securecodebox/securecodebox-worker');
const secureCodeBoxWorker = new SecureCodeBoxWorker({
engineAddress: 'http://secureboxengine/engine-rest',
// Used to generate the worker id. This Example would look something like this: securebox.portscan.60a6ac0c-4e26-40ea-908e-598e9c807887
workername: 'portscan',
// Name of the External Task specified in the Engine
// Array of Process Variables which should be fetched
// Callback function which will be called when a new scan should be performed
async ({ target }) => {
const findings = await performScan(target);
return {
findings, // Attributes of this Object will be saved as process variables
* Starts a small server with two endpoints:
* "/" basic endpoint for healthchecks returns the worker id as a string
* "/status" returns a json object containing basic information about this worker
Handeling Errors
In case of a scan failure you can throw Errors from the registerScanner Callback function. The Error message will be submitted back to the engine.
['nmap_target', 'nmap_parameter'],
async ({ nmap_target, nmap_parameter }) => {
// Thrown Errors will be submitted as incidents to theprocess engine.
throw new Error('Something went wrong...');
Special Thanks
Most of this functionality of thos package comes from the awesome camunda-worker-node