
Make traversible JS representation of a remote resource

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seepdeaApiFactory from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@seepdea/api-factory';



quickly prototype a reusable API consumer using Javascript


npm i @seepdea/api-factory


const APIFactory = require('api-factory')

APIFactory takes a function that returns a promise as an argument, such as fetch and returns a wrapped Proxy Function.

In Node

const request = require('request-promise-native')

const API = APIFactory(request)

// the arguments passed to API are how you would usually use the function you supplied to the factory
const exampleAPI = API({
    uri: 'https://example.com',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
    json: true,

exampleAPI.__url // https://example.com

// you can now traverse the API as such:
let foo = 'foo'
const subPath = exampleAPI[foo].bar

subPath.__url // https://example.com/foo/bar

// every 'modification' returns a new object extending the properties of the parent
exampleAPI.__url // https://example.com

// methods can be changed
exampleAPI.__method // GET
exampleAPI._POST.__method // POST
exampleAPI._METHOD('POST').__method // POST

// to run requests, use the API instance like you would a promise:
exampleAPI.then(res => /* doSomething */).catch(...)
await exampleAPI // result of request
subPath.then(res => /* doSomething */).catch(...)
await subPath // result of request to https://example.com/foo/bar
subPath._POST.then(res => /* doSomething */).catch(...)
await subPath._POST // result of POST request to subPath

// because every API instance is a function, calling this function will further augment its parameters.
// this would POST a body to https://example.com/foo/bar:
await subPath._POST({
    json: {
        foo: 'bar',

In Browser

const API = APIFactory(fetch)

const exampleAPI = API('https://example.com', { // pass parameters as you would to fetch
    headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,

// promise handlers can be changed
const jsonAPI = exampleAPI._CHAIN(d => d.json())
// every call on jsonAPI will now be processed with `d => d.json()`

// the following sets up a POST end point to https://example.com/some/sub/path
// with added Content-Type header
const postEndpoint = exampleAPI.some.sub.path._POST._HEADERS({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

// to POST json data with fetch
await postEndpoint({
    body: JSON.stringify({
        foo: 'bar',
}).then(d => d.json()) // parse JSON as you would with fetch

Every time you read .then on an API instance, the request is sent, so you can predefine references to specific endpoints and call them repeatedly.