
Global stores

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import selktCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@selkt/core';



Simple state management

There are two main exports from @selkt/core: Selectable and MutableSelectable. They both have the same interface but the Selectable uses immerjs to ensure that objects are never modifed

import { Selectable } from '@selkt/core'

type User = string
type State = { count: number, user: User }

const store = new Selectable<State>({ count: 1, user: "test" })

let unsubscribe = store.select(
  state => state.count % 2 || user
  value => console.log(value),
  // optional
  (prevState, nextState) => prevState === nextState

store.set(state => {
  state.count += 2

// log: 4

store.set(state => {

// log: "test"

export const store