
Generate TypeScript for Kubernetes resources.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import senchouCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@senchou/cli';



Generate TypeScript for Kubernetes resources.


# Using npm.
npm install --global @senchou/cli

# Using yarn.
yarn add --global @senchou/cli

# Or run directly with npx.
npx @senchou/cli


# Print the help message.
senchou --help

    Manage Kubernetes manifests with TypeScript.


    $ senchou <command> [options]


    k8s                       Import types for a Kubernetes release
    crd                       Import types for a CustomResourceDefinition


    --help, -h                Show this help message
    --verbose, -v             Set logging verbosity


    $ # Get help for commands.
    $ senchou k8s --help
    $ senchou crd --help

    $ # Run Senchou with verbose logging.
    $ senchou -v
    $ senchou -vv
    $ senchou -vvv

    $ # Run Senchou with no logging.
    $ LOG_LEVEL=SILENT senchou

    $ # Run Senchou with timestamps.
    $ LOG_TIMESTAMP=TRUE senchou

    $ # Filter logs from Senchou (based on log prefix).
    $ DEBUG="^some-regexquot; senchou

Before You Start

Senchou makes use of a few other projects to implement its functionality. Here are the libraries that Senchou makes use of under the hood.

Of particular note is @littlethings/log which can be configured with environment variables like DEBUG to modify how Senchou logs things.

Generate Kubernetes Types

Senchou can generate types for a given Kubernetes release.

# For help with the `k8s` command.
senchou k8s --help

    Import types for a Kubernetes release.


    $ senchou k8s [version]


    --help, -h                Show this help message
    --output, -o              Set the output directory (default: ./senchou)
    --force, -f               Remove any conflicting files before writing


    $ # Import the default Kubernetes release's types.
    $ senchou k8s

    $ # Import a specific Kubernetes release's types.
    $ senchou k8s 1.20.0

    $ # Import to a custom directory.
    $ senchou k8s --output ./my-code

    $ # Overwrite an existing "k8s.ts" file.
    $ senchou k8s --force

Generate CustomResourceDefinition Types

Senchou can generate types for CRDs from supported sources.

# For help with the `crd` command.
senchou crd --help

    Import types for a CustomResourceDefinition.


    $ senchou crd <protocol>:<specifier>


    --help, -h                Show this help message
    --output, -o              Set the output directory (default: ./senchou)
    --force, -f               Remove any conflicting files before writing
    --name, -n                Set the name of the output file (appended with ".ts")



        CRDs can be imported from GitHub using the "github"
        protocol. To fetch from GitHub, you must supply an
        owner and repository name like the following.

        $ # github:owner/repo
        $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart

        Tags can also be used to fetch CRDs from a specific

        $ # github:owner/repo@tag
        $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart@v10.14.0


    $ # Import types for Traefik from GitHub.
    $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart

    $ # Import a specific version's types.
    $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart@v10.14.0

    $ # Import to a custom directory.
    $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart --output ./my-code

    $ # Name the output file.
    $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart --name traefik

    $ # Overwrite an existing file.
    $ senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart --force



In this example, we will generate types for a Kubernetes release and use them to create a new Deployment.

First, let Senchou generate types for the release.

senchou k8s

Then, we can create a TypeScript file.

// my-deployment.ts
import { Deployment } from "./senchou/k8s";

const deployment = Deployment({
    metadata: {
        name: "my-deployment",
    spec: {
        template: {
            spec: {
                containers: [
                        name: "my-container",
                        image: "myimage",

Tada! Kubernetes manifests can now be created with full TypeScript support.


In this example, we will generate types for CRDs from GitHub. Specifically, we will be loading the types for Traefik and creating an IngressRoute resource.

First, let Senchou generate types for the CRDs.

senchou crd github:traefik/traefik-helm-chart --name traefik

Then, we can create a TypeScript file.

// my-ingress-route.ts
import {
} from "./senchou/traefik";

const route = IngressRoute({
    metadata: {
        name: "my-route",
    spec: {
        routes: [
                kind: IngressRoutePropsSpecRoutesKind.Rule,
                match: "Host(`example.com`)",
                services: [
                        name: "my-service",
                        kind: IngressRoutePropsSpecRoutesServicesKind.Service,
                        port: 80,

Tada! CRD manifests can now be created with full TypeScript support.