
Seneca plugin to add user ownership annotations to entities.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import senecaOwner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@seneca/owner';



Seneca plugin providing ownership permissions for entities.

Npm Travis Coveralls Maintainability DeepScan grade dependencies Status

This plugin blocks access to entities unless certain fields match custom values in the Seneca instance. It also ensures that entities are saved with appropriate field values.

Quick Example

  .use('owner', {
    fields: ['usr','org'],
    annotate: [
  .ready(async function() {

    // Set custom property to identify user
    var alice_instance = this.delegate(null,{custom:{
      'sys-owner': {
        usr: 'alice',
        org: 'wonderland'

    var bob_instance = this.delegate(null,{custom:{
      'sys-owner': {
        usr: 'bob',
        org: 'wonderland'

    // Save some entities
    var save_a1 = await alice_instance.entity('zed/foo').data$({id$:1,a:1}).save$()
    var save_a2 = await bob_instance.entity('zed/foo').data$({id$:2,a:2}).save$()

    // usr and org fields are injected from sys-owner custom property
    console.log(save_a1) // $-/zed/foo;id=1;{a:1,usr:alice,org:wonderland}
    console.log(save_a2) // $-/zed/foo;id=2;{a:2,usr:bob,org:wonderland}

    // Users can load their own data
    var load_a1 = await alice_instance.entity('zed/foo').load$(1)
    var load_a2 = await bob_instance.entity('zed/foo').load$(2)

    console.log(load_a1) // $-/zed/foo;id=1;{a:1,usr:alice,org:wonderland}
    console.log(load_a2) // $-/zed/foo;id=2;{a:2,usr:bob,org:wonderland}

    // Users can't load other user's data
    var not_a2 = await alice_instance.entity('zed/foo').load$(2)
    var not_a1 = await bob_instance.entity('zed/foo').load$(1)

    console.log(not_a2) // null
    console.log(not_a1) // null


For an example showing groups with custom permissions, see the group-scenario unit test.


Ownership rules can become complex. To debug individual use-cases, in production or otherwise, use the Seneca.explain feature.

var explain_log = []
await seneca.post('cmd:do-stuff', {explain$: explain_log})
console.log(explain_log) // A record of message calls and custom debug information.

The explain functionality is also supported by seneca-browser, so you can use it directly in the browser console. You may find it more useful to use the general capture:

var explain_log = seneca.explain(true)
... user interface actions that generate requests