
SentinelOne Management SDK - Node.js This SDK has been developed based on SentinelOne's 2 API documentation. The purpose of this SDK should help IT administrators and security teams help automate management of their Sentinelone fleet. Node SDK In GitHub

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sentinelOneManagementNodeSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sentinel-one/management-node-sdk';



SentinelOne Management SDK - Node.js This SDK has been developed based on SentinelOne's 2 API documentation. The purpose of this SDK should help IT administrators and security teams help automate management of their Sentinelone fleet. Node SDK In GitHub

  • Alternative Option for this NODE'S SDK is is to Use The Python SDK version in here
  • Full api documention can be found in /apidoc
  • This Version of the SDK is work in progress , please report any bugs / ideas for improvemnts / feature requests


to install dependency Simplly run :

npm install

To run unit tests (jest) :

npm run test

!!! If you are running into issue with tests , you may need to delete compiled files (ts to js)

To build documention locally ,run :

npm run docs

To run in dev mode (node-deamon) :

npm run start:dev

To compile typescript in watch mode :

npm run build:watch


This is only suggested configurtion sructure:

export const configure = {
  auth: {
    by: {
      login: { username: '', password: '' },
      apiToken: '',
      app: { code: '' }
  hostName: ``,
  apiPath: `web/api/v2.0`

Version Bump

  1. Bump package.json version (for instance, change it from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11)
  2. Push the code to git
  3. Open the terminal(make sure you are inside the project folder)
  4. Login with your npm user with this command: npm login
  5. run npm publish command



const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath);
const activityEntity: Activities = mgmt.activities;
const filterEntity: Filters = mgmt.filters;
const settingsEntity: Settings = mgmt.settings;
const notifications: Notifications = settingsEntity.notifications;
const sitesEntity: Sites = mgmt.sites;
const reportsEntity: Report = mgmt.reports;
const ExlusionEntity: Exclusions = mgmt.exclusions;
const HashEntity: Hash = mgmt.hash;
const updates: Update = mgmt.updates;

Management is the main Entity (Hold all others in the SDK) each one represent the related mangment api for this Entity


const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath);
const authRes = await mgmt.authenticator.authenticate({
  method: AuthMethodsTypes.Login,
  data: configure.auth.by.login

Before we will be able to send api calls through the sdk we have to authenticate in one of the following ways :

  • login
  • byApp
  • apiToken
  • Token

Using the SDK to retrive data

Note : The NodeJs SDK is running in an async-await manners. This means thar api calls are wrapped in async function and await must appear before the method call.

As Following:

async function main() {
  const systemStettings = await mgmt.system.get();

All Api calls in the SDK are in following structure : (SDKRespond)

This structure is used to investigate failed api requests . and get information about calls history made in the sdk .

url: 'api end point url',
request:{} // requst as sent to server
status: 200 | ErrorDetails


async function main() {
  const systemReq = await mgmt.system.get();
  // logging http request and respond
  const stettingData = systemReq.respondData;
  // logging data retrived from the api

! By defualt most entities should have four basic fucntion ( create,delete,get,update ).


There is two ways to send data :

1. RequestData()

This way you can verify that the expected data is sent correcttly , before acully make the api call

const request = new RequestData<CreateSiteRequest>({
  name: 'name',
  inherits: false,
  siteType: SiteTypes.DEV,
  suite: SuiteTypes.Complete,
  totalLicenses: 10
console.log(await mgmt.sites.create(request.data));

2. Make an object by the method's interface

  await mgmt.sites.create({
    name: 'siteName',
    siteType: SiteTypes.Paid,
    suite: SuiteTypes.Core,
    unlimitedExpiration: true,
    totalLicenses: 3,
    unlimitedLicenses: true

Adding / Changing Api End Points :

The SDK had endpoints for each http request in the following structure:

export const <EntityName> = {
<method_name> : { url: `<Appended endpoint url>`, method: HttpMethod.<GET | POST | PUT | DELETE> }

* enum for end point name-endpoint mapping
export enum <EntityName>EndPointsTypes {
<method_name> = '<method_name>'

export const ActivitiesEndPointsNames = ActivitiesEndPointsTypes;

Make sure you keep structure consistency, for any change made in that section farther more dont forget:

  1. Change / Delete that endpoint snapshot ( JEST )
  2. IF new Entity was created dont forget to add it to '/src/end-point-entitity/ends-points-entitities.ts'


This small Gist was created for faster development using vscode and the node-sdk. (Later On he will be move to seperate gist url) in order to use it :

  • Go to Preference -> User Snippets -> Type 'typescript' in the text area -> paste the following code

"Print to console": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"SDKasync": {
"prefix": "SDKasync",
"body": [
"async ${1:methodName} (${2:data}:${3:dataType}): Promise<SDKRespond>{",
" try{",
" return this.makeApiCall(this.endPoints.${4:endPointName} , ${5:data })",
" } catch( err ){",
" throw err",
" }",
"description": "SDK async method function"
"SDKreq": {
"prefix": "SDKreq",
"body": [
"const data:${1|CreateSiteRequest,UpdateSiteRequest,ReactiveSiteRequest,ChangePasswordRequest,CreateUserRequest,Enable2faAppRequest,PolicyIocAttributes,UpdateUserRequest,VerifyCodeRequest,CountByFilterPayload,GetThreatsGrouped,MarkAsBengin,MarkAsResolve,ThreatFilterPayload,SetSystemConfigurionRequest,SettingGetRespond,CreateNotifictionType,NotificationRequest,NotificationGetRequest,NotificationRecipientsRequest,NotificationsType,ActiveDirectoryRequest,AdRolesStringsDataRequest,SmtpDataRequest,SsoDataRequest,PolicyEngiens,PolicyRequestFilter,PolicyDataRequest,GroupRequestData,MoveAgentGroup,Rank,SiteDefualtGroupRequest,FilterAdditionalDataRequest,BaseFilterFileld,CreateDvFilterRequest,CreateFilterRequest,GetFilterRequest,UpdateDvFilterRequest,UpdateFilterRequest,CreateListItemRequest,ExclusionsUpdateItem,GetListItemsRequest,DeepVisibilityV2CreateQuery,BaseDeepVisibilityV2Request,DeepVisibilityV2GetEventsRequest,DVAgent,DVRequestData,DVProccess,GetCommandRequest,GetActivitiesFilters,GroupedAppInventory|} = {} ;"
"description": "SDK DATA"
"SDKconfig": {
"prefix": "SDKconfig",
"body": [
"export const configure = {",
"auth: {",
" by: {",
"login: { username: '${1}' , password: '${2}' },",
" apiToken: '${3}',",
" app: { code: '${4}' }",
" }",
"hostName: '${5}',",
"apiPath: 'web/api/v2.0' ",
"} "
"description": "SDK async method function"
"SDKauth": {
"prefix": "SDKauth",
"body": [
"await mgmt.authenticator.authenticate({ method: AuthMethodsTypes.Login, data: configure.auth.by.login })"
"description": "SDK Auth method"
"SDKmgmt": {
"prefix": "SDKmgmt",
"body": [
"const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath)"
"description": "SDK Managment Object"
"ManagmentEntity": {
"prefix": "mgmte",
"body": [
"const ${1:Entity} = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath).${2|authenticator,threats,users,sites,system,policy,groups,commands,activities,settings,configOverride,filters,reports,hash,exclusions,deepVisibilityV2,agents,agentActions,deepVisibility,updates|}"
"description": "SDK Managment Entity"

Project Structure:

the main file of the app is: src/entities/mangment/mangment.class.ts

let's take for example the entity (group of api requests) custom-detection
every entity has:

  • entry in common declarations: src/end-point-entitity/ends-points-entitities.ts just init the entity
    this.customDetectionRules = new CustomDetectionRules(this.apiCall);
  • entity rules: src/end-point-entitity/custom-detection-rules-endpoints.ts
    contains the entity api requests ex: GET POST DELETE PUT
    export const customDetectionRules = {
        createRule: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules', method: HttpMethod.POST },
        deleteRule: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules', method: HttpMethod.DELETE },
        getRules: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules?limit=100', method: HttpMethod.GET }
  • entity logic: src/end-point-entitity/custom-detection-rules-endpoints.ts contains the functions that calls with the entity rules using a common request method
    async delete(filter: DeleteRulesRequest, data: object = {}): Promise<SDKRespond> {
      try {
        return await this.makeApiCall(this.endPoints.deleteRule, { filter, data });
      } catch (e) {
        throw e;
  • interface: src/entities/custom-detection-rules/modal/custom-detection-rules.interface.ts
    container the request interface
    export interface CustomDetectionRulesRequest {
        name: string;
        description: string;
        severity: DetectionRuleSeverityTypes;
        expirationMode: DetectionRulesExpirationModes;
        s1ql: string;
        queryType: DetectionRulesQueryTypes;
        status: DetectionRuleStatuses;
        expiration?: Date | string;
        networkQuarantine: boolean;
        treatAsThreat?: TreatAsThreatTypes;