
Eslint config and init script

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sequenceworkEslintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sequencework/eslint-config';



🏎 Short "How to use"

yarn add @sequencework/eslint-config --dev
yarn sequence-lint-init
yarn install

Detailed "How to use"

Install this package :

yarn add @sequencework/eslint-config --dev

It contains a script to initialize your package. Run it like this :

yarn sequence-lint-init

The script will rewrite your package.json to add dev dependencies, pre-commit hooks (with husky), lint-staged, ...

(For example, you can check what's added for the default configuration)

To install the new dependencies and the git hooks, you need to run :

yarn install

🎁 That's it, you're all set


Shamelessly inspired by @zeit's eslint config