NodeJS Utils
This package provides a several set of tools, libraries or utilities that I use in my projects as well as in the @sergiogc9/nodejs-server
Table of Contents
Getting started
You can get everything importing the whole package or import only some available sub-modules. To install the package:
yarn add -S @sergiogc9/nodejs-server
or npm install --save @sergiogc9/nodejs-server
Available modules
This module provides a typed base class to work with mongoose models and documents. You can define models and then their documents as class instances, with all the types working fine and methods, including static methods.
With the Model module you can import:
createModel(name, ModelClass, modelSchema)
:Helper function to create a mongoose model using a name, a class extending BaseDocument defining the document and the model schema. It returns an instance of a Model.
;An abstract class to extend from when creating model document classes. It has a
method which returns the database object properties.A pre-save and a post-save hook can be added implementing the protected methods
.Document<T extends BaseDocument>
:A generic type to add mongoose Document methods into BaseDocument class.
Example usage defining a Team model with a relation with another model User:
import { Schema } from 'mongoose';
import { BaseDocument, createModel, Document } from '@sergiogc9/nodejs-utils/Model';
import { UserDocument } from 'models/User';
const teamSchemaDefinition = {
name: { type: String, required: true },
country: { type: String, required: true },
users: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }]
class TeamBaseDocument extends BaseDocument {
public name: string;
public country: string;
public users: UserDocument[] | string[];
getNumberOfUsers() {
return this.users.length;
static getAllCountries() {
return ['cat', 'es', 'us'];
type TeamDocument = Document<TeamBaseDocument>;
type TeamAttributes = Pick<TeamDocument, keyof typeof teamSchemaDefinition>;
type TeamStaticMethods = {
findByFullName: typeof TeamBaseDocument['getAllCountries'];
const Team = createModel<TeamBaseDocument, TeamAttributes, TeamStaticMethods>(
export { Team, TeamAttributes, TeamDocument };
export default Team;
This module contains some methods, middleware and constants to be used in your API controllers using express
Constants can be used to keep same response codes or errors between different APIs. Available constants:
.Methods exported by the API module:
successResponse(req, res, data, status = 200)
:Sends a success response through the passed response (res). It returns a JSON with the following keys:
request: An object containing some request data as the body, method, path, parameters, body, etc.
response: The data to send. It can be any JSON serializable data.
status: The response status. By default is 200.
time: The execution time. Only appears if the request has a Date startTime property added using a middleware as @sergiogc9/nodejs-server does.
errorResponse(req, res, data, status)
:Sends an error response through the passed response (res). It behaves the same as the method successResponse with these differences:
- There is not a default status, hence it is required.
- The data returned is done through an error key instead of response.
The middlewares available are:
:An express middleware to use an async function inside a controller.
Example usage:
import { RequestHandler, Router } from 'express';
import { expressAsyncHandler, errorResponse, successResponse, SERVER_ERROR } from '@sergiogc9/nodejs-utils/Api';
import User from 'models/User';
class UserController {
public static list: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
try {
const users = await User.find();
successResponse(req, res, users);
} catch (e) {
errorResponse(req, res, SERVER_ERROR, 500);
const router = Router();
router.get('/team', expressAsyncHandler(UserController.list));
A helper utility to more fancy logs. It creates a .logs
directory inside the project root and creates a log file per each day.
It generate logs using the following format:
[03/02/2021 17:33] [MASTER] [API] [INFO] Booting the 'Time' middleware..
From left to right:
- Date: The date and time when the log was added.
- Process id: If using cluster, it shows the pid of the process. If not using the cluster api or the log comes from the master process,
is shown. - Prefix: You can create a custom Log instance with a prefix (see example below). If a prefix is set, the prefix name is shown.
- Type: The log type. It can be info, warn, error or a custom one.
- Text: The message to log.
The Log module exports by default a singleton instance ready to be used. If you want a custom Log with a custom prefix you can use the instance method initNewLog(prefix)
or create a new Log
instance passing the prefix in the constructor to Log class, which is named exported.
ℹ️ When using a custom prefix, all logs are also located in .logs/${prefix}
Example using the default exported Log instance:
import log from '@sergiogc9/nodejs-utils/Log';
log.warn('Some warning message');
Example using a custom prefix:
import { Log } from '@sergiogc9/nodejs-utils/Log';
const log = new Log('api');"Booting the 'Time' middleware..");
log.custom('GENERAL', 'Some general message');
A cache middleware for express routes. It caches the response of a request by its originalUrl
or url
. It is based on memory-cache
Example of use:
import { Router } from 'express';
import Cache from '@sergiogc9/nodejs-utils/Cache';
const { cache } = Cache;
const router = Router();
// Cache response during 10 seconds
router.get('/', cache(10), HomeController.index);
Static utility class that helps sending notifications using Pushover.
You only need to introduce the user config data once and then use the send
static method. Example of use:
// Set user config data
user: 'user-id',
token: 'app-token'
Pushover.send({ title: 'Wow!', message: 'Awesome message' });