
= Bespoke for Course template :uri-bespoke: http://markdalgleish.com/projects/bespoke.js/ :uri-asciidoctor-bespoke: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke/ :bespoke-course-version: 0.4.3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sewatechBespokeCourse from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sewatech/bespoke-course';


= Bespoke for Course template :uri-bespoke: http://markdalgleish.com/projects/bespoke.js/ :uri-asciidoctor-bespoke: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke/ :bespoke-course-version: 0.4.3

== Overview

The goal of the bespoke-course project is to enable the writing of course slidedecks based on {uri-bespoke}[Bespoke.js] and the {uri-asciidoctor-bespoke}[Asciidoctor converter for Bespoke.js].

== Prerequisites

In order to use bespoke-course, you must satisfy the same prerequisites as {uri-asciidoctor-bespoke}#prerequisites[asciidoctor-bespoke].

. NodeJS + tested with v9, v10 and v12

$ npm install

. Ruby et Bundler + tested with Ruby 2.5

bundle install

It is not mandatory to install Gulp globally, as the npm run-script command uses a local installation of Gulp.

== Setup

=== All by hand

Create a directory, add a package.json file and define the JavaScript dependendies:


{ "name": "example-course", "version": "1.0.0", "scripts": { "build": "gulp build", "start": "gulp serve", "print": "print-slides --bc_course=$npm_package_name" }, "dependencies": { "@sewatech/bespoke-course": "^{bespoke-course-version}" }, "devDependencies": { "gulp": "4.x" } }

Download the dependencies:

$ npm install

Add a Gemfile file and define the Ruby dependencies:


source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'asciidoctor', '~> 1.5', '>=' gem 'asciidoctor-bespoke', github: 'sewatech/asciidoctor-bespoke'

Download the dependencies:

$ bundle install

Add a gulpfile.js file:


'use strict'; require('@sewatech/bespoke-course/gulpfile.js');

Create the main source file src/index.adoc:


= Sample Slidedeck \include::{template_dir}/headers.adoc[]



Build the slidedeck:

$ npm run build

Or run it in a local server:

$ npm start

=== From example

The node module provides an empty project in its template/ directory.

Initialize the JavaScrip project, and add the dependency:

$ npm init -y $ npm install @sewatech/bespoke-course $ cp -r node_modules/@sewatech/bespoke-course/template/* ./

Download the dependencies (JS and Ruby):

$ npm install $ bundle install

Build the slidedeck:

$ npm run build

Or run it in a local server:

$ npm start

=== Yeoman


== Creating Slides

=== One file per chapter

Create a new src/chapter1.adoc file with a second level title, and 2 styles: title and chapter.


[.title.chapter] == Chapter 1

  • Subject 1
  • Subject 2


This chapter is the first one.

Include the file in the index.adoc:


= Sample Slidedeck \include::{template_dir}/headers.adoc[]


//======================== \include::chapter1.adoc[] //========================


=== Content slides

The other slides are regular https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke#content-slides[asciidoc content slides], with https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke/blob/master/README.adoc#speaker-notes[speaker notes].


== Slide 1.1

  • Bla Bla


Notes for the first slide

== Slide 1.2

  • Bla Bla Bla


Notes for the second slide

To show the speaker notes on the screen, just hover the title of the slide.

=== Formatting

The template provides some CSS classes.

  • Margin and padding ** margin-top-1, margin-top-2,... (up to 20) ** margin-bottom-N, margin-left-N, margin-right-N ** padding-top-1, margin-top-2,... ** margin-bottom-N, margin-left-N, margin-right-N

  • Absolute position ** top-1, top-2,... (up to 20) ** bottom-N, left-N, right-N

  • Alignment ** center

  • Width ** width-100, width-95, width-90,..., width-5 ** 5 by 5, in %

  • Text ** small, big ** line-through, underline ** Maximum 3 levels of bullet points

=== Grid

CSS styles for grids:

  • Unable grid ** by default, A slide is a grid, with 1 column ** grid

  • Columns ** col-2, col-3, col-4 ** col-2-third

  • Gap between columns and rows ** gap-0, gap-1

=== Image

The best unit for the size of images is rem.

  • It is proportional, so it fits well with resizing.
  • It's better than % when we change the ratio.
  • It's supported in the PDF export.

If the unit is rem, then we can set either the width or the height.


image:general/java-editions.png["Java Editions", , 20rem]

CSS styles for images:

  • full-screen, background, foreground

=== Special content

  • UML ** uml



  • fr.sewatech.course.SomeClass ** echo(input: String) : String ** isValid() : boolean

  • Not ** not



  • This is no more relevant --

  • Hand-on ** On slide: hands-on ** In notes: hands-on

=== Table of content

== Configurable slidedeck

Configurable settings

  • Ratio
  • Server Port
  • Skipped classes

// skip, config

== Export to PDF