Accessible HTML <select>
element replacement with customizable UI. Based on
the patterns used by web components and easy to integrate with various
frameworks, e.g. React or Angular.
You can check out the demo or take a peek at a fiddle.
As the first rule of ARIA states:
use the native <select>
element if possible. If you can get by with the
basic styling support the native <select>
element has, please do not try to
replace it, your users will have much better experience (this is the way the
framework does it).
If you absolutely do need a fully styleable <select>
, you may choose from
the following integration-ready bundles based on the front-end technology you
- szn-select for react (GitHub)
- szn-select for vue (GitHub)
- jQuery / Prototype / MooTools / Dojo Toolkit / / JAK: use the deployment steps for static sites (see bellow)
More ready-to-use bundles are coming soon.
Usage on static or server-rendered websites
- Include the CSS for fallback styling of the native
element in case JavaScript is disabled or the user is using an obsolete browser:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
This step is optional, but results in slightly better UX if the JavaScript fails or is disabled.
- It is recommended to load the
element using the loader:
<script src=""></script>
It is recommended to use a
semver version range
when using jsdelivr, unpkg or a similar JS CDN, such as 1.x
to automatically
receive the latest compatible version with the most recent bugfixes and
compatibility updates.
You may use the async
and defer
attributes if you want the loader to be
loaded asynchronously. You may also bundle the loader with other JavaScript
The loader automatically chooses the bundle that has the best compatibility
with the current browser (modern browsers use smaller bundles). By default the
loader loads the implementation from
. This may be overridden by
adding the following attributes to the <script>
element used include the
loader (as stated above, this may be a bundle):
- specifies the base URL where all the package's files are available. This can be overridden for specific cases using the options listed
- overrides the URL for loading the ES3-compatible implementation of theszn-select
- overrides the URL for loading the ES2016-compatible implementation of theszn-select
- overrides the URL for loading the ES3-compatible implementation of theszn-select
- overrides the URL for loading the ES2016-compatible implementation of theszn-select
- overrides the URL for loading the ES3-compatible bundle of theszn-select
elements and the szn-elements
- overrides the URL for loading the ES2016-compatible implementation of theszn-select
elements and the szn-elements
- overrides the URL for loading the ES2016-compatible implementation that relies on the custom elements API. The bundle includes theszn-select
elements and the szn-elements runtime (only the parts used if custom elements are supported natively).
If you do not want to use the loader for some reason, just include the ES3-compatible bundle (or implement the bundle selection logic yourselves):
<script src=""></script>
Please note that using the loader has great advantages: the compatibility of
various assistive technologies may and does change over time and the loader
will attempt to load the latest backwards-compatible version for you to get
the best compatibility. It is also recommended to use a version range (e.g.
) when loading the loader from to get the latest compatible
version of the loader itself.
- You may turn any ordinary
into a<szn-select>
by wrapping it and providing a UI container:
<label for="my-select">Choose one:</label>
<szn-select data-szn-select--standalone>
<select name="chosenOption" id="my-select">
<option value="1" title="this is the first option">first</option>
<optgroup label="other options">
<option value="2" selected>default option</option>
<option value="3" disabled>you cannot choose this option</option>
<optgroup label="you cannot choose these options" disabled>
<option value="4">unavailable option</option>
<option value="4">yes, multiple options may have the same value</option>
<span data-szn-select--ui></span>
The data-szn-select--standalone
attribute tells the <szn-select>
that is
is not being used on a page that uses a DOM-managing library such as
React, Vue or Angular.
The <szn-select>
element works with multi-selects too:
<szn-select data-szn-select--standalone>
<select name="choices" multiple aria-label="choose multiple">
<option value="1" selected>first</option>
<optgroup label="other options">
<!-- option groups are supported as well -->
<option value="2" disabled>second</option>
<option value="3" selected>third</option>
<span data-szn-select--ui></span>
Styling using CSS
The <szn-select>
element's appearance can be configured using the following
CSS variables (AKA CSS custom properties, supported by all browsers except for
Internet Explorer):
:root {
/* variable: default value */
--szn-select--border-width: 1px;
--szn-select--border-color: #cccccc;
--szn-select--active-border-color: #7dbfff;
--szn-select--border-radius: 4px;
--szn-select--min-width: 109px;
--szn-select--height: 2em;
--szn-select--height-px: 32px;
--szn-select--option-indent: 12px;
--szn-select--option-padding: 5px 5px 5px var(--szn-select--option-indent);
--szn-select--selected-option-background: #eeeeee;
--szn-select--button-padding: 0 5px 0 var(--szn-select--option-indent);
--szn-select--state-arrow-width: var(--szn-select--height);
--szn-select--state-arrow-closed: "▼";
--szn-select--state-arrow-opened: "▲";
--szn-select--text-color: #000000;
--szn-select--disabled-text-color: #cccccc;
--szn-select--background: #ffffff;
--szn-select--active-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 132, 255, .4);
To style the dimensions of the dropdown for single-selects, use the following CSS selector:
[data-szn-select--ui--dropdown] {
/* overriding the dropdown's width to 240px for the default font size of 16px */
width: 15rem;
The appearance of the options dropdown can be customized by setting the
property of the <szn-select>
<szn-select id="my-select">
document.getElementById('my-select').dropdownClassName = 'my-custom-dropdown'
This will configure this particular <szn-select>
to set the
CSS class on its own options dropdown
(the <szn-select--options>
element). See the Instance configuration
section below for all options.
With the custom CSS class set, your will now be able to override the look&feel
of this particular select's dropdown without affecting the rest. One approach
you may utilize is overriding the CSS custom properties configuring the
look&feel - if you are not concerned about compatibility with Internet
Explorer. The code below shows the default configuration specified in
.my-custom-dropdown {
--szn-select--options--border-width: var(--szn-select--border-width);
--szn-select--options--border-color: var(--szn-select--border-color);
--szn-select--options--border-radius-dropdown: 0 0 var(--szn-select--border-radius) var(--szn-select--border-radius);
--szn-select--options--border-radius-dropup: var(--szn-select--border-radius) var(--szn-select--border-radius) 0 0;
--szn-select--options--border-radius-mutli-select: var(--szn-select--border-radius);
--szn-select--options--item-padding: var(--szn-select--option-padding);
--szn-select--options--item-indent: var(--szn-select--option-indent);
--szn-select--options--text-color: var(--szn-select--text-color);
--szn-select--options--disabled-text: var(--szn-select--disabled-text-color);
--szn-select--options--background-color: var(--szn-select--background);
--szn-select--options--selected-background: var(--szn-select--selected-option-background);
--szn-select--ui--dropdown-offset: calc(-1 * var(--szn-select--border-width));
--szn-select--ui--dropdown-min-width: var(--szn-select--min-width);
Note that the styles used by the <szn-select>
are applied using <style>
elements appended the document's <head>
. You will have to use selectors with
higher specificity or use !important
to override the default styles.
Instance configuration
Every <szn-select>
element has several properties that configure the
element's behavior. These options are not shared between <szn-select>
minBottomSpace: number
- the minimum height in pixels of area between the bottom of the<szn-select>
and the bottom of the viewport for the dropdown to be displayed below the<szn-select>
. The default value is160
.dropdownClassName: string
- the CSS class(es) to set on the wrapper element of the<szn-select>
's dropdown. This is used to apply custom styling to the dropdown without affecting the dropdowns of other<szn-select>
s.dropdownContainer: Node
- the element into which the<szn-select>
will append its dropdown UI when opened. This isdocument.body
by default. Please note that<szn-select>
will handle positioning the dropdown only if this is set to the default value, otherwise you will have to handle the positioning of the dropdown yourself.
Supported browsers
- Chrome/Chromium
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Edge
- Internet Explorer 9 - 11 (polyfill for IE8 is possible and in consideration)
Suppport of Microsoft Edge 16 and older, Internet Explorer 11 and older
You will need to include polyfills to make <szn-select>
work in Internet
Explorer. Chances are, if you are already using babel/webpack in your project,
that you are already using the necessary polyfills. If, however, things do not
work in IE/Edge, please include the
babel polyfill (or the
core-js polyfill itself) by adding the
following code in the <head>
element before including the
element's JavaScript:
if (!window.WeakSet || !window.Proxy || !Array.prototype.includes) {
document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')
This will include the polyfill only if the browser needs it, therefore the users of modern browsers won't be slowed down by downloading additional JavaScript that they don't need anyway.
Next you will need to include the polyfill for missing DOM APIs for IE 9-11 and Edge 12-16.
if (!("firstElementChild" in document.createDocumentFragment())) {
document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')
Microsoft Edge 17+ does not need any of these polyfills.
Support for IE 9 and 10
Internet Explorer 10 and older seems to have some issue with the minified version of the DOM API polyfill mentioned above, so, first, change the code to use the unminified version:
if (!("firstElementChild" in document.createDocumentFragment())) {
document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')
Internet Explorer 10 and older does not have support for the custom elements
nor the MutationObserver, however, versions
9 and 10 support the (deprecated)
DOM mutation events. This allows us to use
the following polyfill to
enable support for IE 9 and 10. Add the following code to the <head>
before including any other polyfills:
if (!window.MutationObserver) {
window.module = {} // required by the polyfill
document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')
Current state of compatibility with assistive technologies
The current level of compatibility with assistive technologies is represented by the table below:
Chrome | Firefox | Opera | Safari | Edge | IE | |
keyboard | great | great | great | great | great | great |
NVDA | great | great | great | n/a | great | good |
Jaws | good | n/a | good | n/a | n/a | good |
VoiceOver | good | n/a | good | good | n/a | n/a |
Talkback | good | good | good | n/a | unknown | n/a |
VoiceOver iOS | good | good | n/a | good | unknown | n/a |
Compatibility levels explained
compatibility | explanation |
great | Usability on par with the native <select> element |
good | Minor issues (e.g. using the native dropdown on mobile platform) that have minimal impact on UX |
passable | The assistive technology might not recognize the szn-select as a combobox, does not announce the value automatically, or is sometimes silent, but still usable |
n/a | The combination is not compatible due to platform restrictions (e.g. NVDA is Windows-only) or the assistive technology was not compatible with the browser at the moment of testing (e.g. Jaws+Edge, this may change in the future) |
unknown | We were unable to access, download, install or use the web browser |
Other tested screen readers
This list will contain some of the assistive technologies that are still being updated and used, but have only marginal market shares. The list is not exhaustive since some of these solutions are pricey and testing with assistive technologies takes a lot of time since it has to be done by hand.
Chrome | Firefox | Opera | Safari | Edge | IE | |
Microsoft Narrator | n/a | good | n/a | n/a | great | great |