
A WebdriverIO plugin. Helper module to run WebdriverIO commands synchronously.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shackijjWdioSync from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shackijj/wdio-sync';



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A WebdriverIO plugin. Helper module to run WebdriverIO commands synchronously. It overwrites global functions depending on the test framework (e.g. for Mocha describe and it) and uses Fibers to make commands of WebdriverIO using the wdio testrunner synchronous. This package is consumed by all wdio framework adapters.


All commands can be found in the package.json. The most important are:

Watch changes:

$ npm run watch

Run tests:

$ npm test

# run test with coverage report:
$ npm run test:cover

Build package:

$ npm build


Make sure all changes you apply are passing unit tests as well as all integration tests of the depending wdio framework adapters.