
Fast and lightweight plotting library for Preact without fuss.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shelacekPlotery from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shelacek/plotery';



npm npm bundle size (minified + gzip)

Fast and lightweight plotting library for Preact without fuss.

Screenshot of some Plotery graph

There are many plotting libraries in the wild. Many of them are enormous, all capable or poorly extensible. If there are some extensible lightweight library, then it is usually slow. Plotery is different - small, contains the bare essentials and it is fast. I simply need a library that is capable draw thousands of points in real time and which would fit into a small embedded device with a few spare kilobytes.

If you need charting library, that magically render any arbitrary data that you put in, Plotery is probably not for you.

⚠ Please note this package is in the early alpha stage. Nothing is stable. If you encounter a bug, please create an issue.


Minimal example can look like:

<Chart data={data}>
    <LinearAxis type="x" min={0} max={100} />
    <LinearAxis type="y" min={-10} max={10} />
    <LinearLine />

All components are available on the top-level export:

import { Chart, LinearAxis, LinearLine /* ... */ } from '@shelacek/plotery';

Data format

Data must be provided in following format:

[number, number][] | { [series: string]: [number, number][] };

If data is an object, then chart primitives, like lines must be provided with series props.


Note: For full API of exported symbols, please see typings at https://bitbucket.org/shelacek/plotery/src/master/src/types.d.ts.

Global components:

Cartesian chart components:

Polar chart components:

Interaction components:

Chart component

Root component for all Plotery charts.


Prop Type Default Description
data ChartData (required) Charts series.

Surface component

Encapsulates the coordinate system. Allows defining an axis for Surface scope, so series defined in that scope use that axis. Chart introduce Surface implicitly.

Example of multiple axis:

<Chart data={data}>
    <LinearAxis type="x" min={0} max={100} />
        <LinearAxis type="y" position="start" min={-10} max={10} />
        <LinearLine series="a" />
        <LinearAxis type="y" position="end" min={-100} max={100} />
        <LinearLine series="b" />


No public properties

LinearAxis component

Define linear cartesian axis. Use <CartesianAxis /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
type 'x' ⎮ 'y' (required) Type of axis.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
position 'start' ⎮ 'end' 'start' for 'x', 'end' for 'y' Position of axis labels.
reference number 0 Reference value (origin).
step number calculated from min and max Step between consequence major ticks.
divisor number 5 How many minor ticks are in one major tick.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

LogAxis component

Define logarithmic cartesian axis. Use <CartesianAxis /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
type 'x' ⎮ 'y' (required) Type of axis.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
position 'start' ⎮ 'end' 'start' for 'x', 'end' for 'y' Position of axis labels.
reference number 1 Reference value (origin).
base number 10 Logaritmic base for scaling.
step number calculated from min, max and base Step between consequence major ticks.
divisor number 9 How many minor ticks are in one major tick.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

LinearLine component

Renders data series as X-Y linear line. Use <CartesianLine /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.
line boolean true Draw line.
area boolean false Draw area filled to 'y' axis reference.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to LinearLine container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

CardinalLine component

Renders data series as X-Y line with Catmull-Rome spline interpolation. Use <CartesianLine /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.
tension number 1 Affects how sharply the curve bends control points (0..1).
line boolean true Draw line.
area boolean false Draw area filled to 'y' axis reference.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to CardinalLine container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

BarLine component

Renders data series as discrete bars.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to BarLine container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

RadialAxis component

Define radial axis (r) of polar charts. Use <PolarAxis /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
reference number 0 Reference value (origin).
step number calculated from min and max Step between consequence major ticks.
divisor number 5 How many minor ticks are in one major tick.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

AngularAxis component

Define angular (theta) axis of polar charts. Use <PolarAxis /> under the hood.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
reference number 0 Reference value (origin).
step number calculated from min and max Step between consequence major ticks.
divisor number 5 How many minor ticks are in one major tick.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

PolarLine component

Renders data series as linear line on polar chart.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.
interpolate { (points: ChartSeriesData): string } linear Function for interpolation.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to PolarLine container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

PolarSector component

Renders circular sectors on polar chart. Each data point represents start-end tuple on angular axis.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.
inner number 0 Inner radius of sector on radial axis.
outer number 100 Outer radius of sector on radial axis.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to PolarSector container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

BoxZoom component

Enables drawing zoom box with pointer device over chart canvas. Event onLimits return array with dragged rect in format [x0, y0, x1, y1]. Single click without dragging return null.

Example of usage:

_handleLimits = limits => this.setState({ limits });

// ...

<Chart data={data}>
    <LinearAxis type="x" min={limits ? limits[0] : 0} max={limits ? limits[2] : 100} />
    <LinearAxis type="y" min={-10} max={10} />
    <LinearLine />
    <BoxZoom restrict="x" onLimits={this._handleLimits} />


Prop Type Default Description
restrict 'x' ⎮ 'y' none Optionally restrict to 'x' or 'y' axis.
onLimits { (limits?: number[]): void } none Callback, that is called if range is selected.

Pan component

Enables moving with chart axis.

Take look at BoxZoom for example.


Prop Type Default Description
onLimits { (limits?: number[]): void } none Callback, that is called if range is selected.

WheelZoom component

Enables zooming with wheel or touchpad.

Take look at BoxZoom for example.


Prop Type Default Description
onLimits { (limits?: number[]): void } none Callback, that is called if range is selected.

Low-level components

The following components and functions can be used for easier extensibility. None of them implement the shouldComponentUpdate method.



CartesianAxis component

Define generic cartesian axis.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
type 'x' ⎮ 'y' (required) Type of axis.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
position 'start' ⎮ 'end' 'start' for 'x', 'end' for 'y' Position of axis labels.
reference number (required) Reference value (origin).
scaler { (value: number, min: number, max: number, reverse?: boolean): number } (required) Function that translate coordinates into/from chart positions.
ticks { major: number[]; minor: number[] } (required) Positions of mirror and majors grid ticks.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

CartesianLine component

Renders data series as X-Y linear line.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to line container.
series string none Defines a key to series in the data object, if specified.
interpolate { (points: ChartSeriesData): string } linear Function for interpolation.
line boolean true Draw line.
area boolean false Draw area filled to 'y' axis reference.

¹class and className are equivalent.

Any other passed property will be added to CartesianLine container. This can be useful if you need to set some SVG attributes.

PolarAxis component

Define generic polar axis.


Prop Type Default Description
class¹ string none Space-separated list of the classes applied to axis container.
type 'r' ⎮ 't' (required) Type of axis.
min number (required) Low axis limit.
max number (required) High axis limit.
scaler { (value: number, min: number, max: number, reverse?: boolean): number } (required) Function that translate coordinates into/from chart positions.
ticks { major: number[]; minor: number[] } (required) Positions of mirror and majors grid ticks.
major boolean false Show major grid.
minor boolean false Show minor grid.
labels string[] ⎮ { (tick: number): string } x => ‘${x}‘ Labels for axis. Array of label strings must have same length as major ticks.
hide boolean false Don't display axis (it will be used only for coordinate system).

¹class and className are equivalent.

Pointer component

Helper component, that register pointerdown event to passed host element. After pointerdown event is raised, component register pointermove and pointerup to window.


Prop Type Default Description
host HTMLElement (required) Element to registred pointerdown event.
onPointerDown { (event: PointerEvent): void } none Callback, that is called on pointerdown event.
onPointerMove { (event: PointerEvent): void } none Callback, that is called on pointermove event.
onPointerUp { (event: PointerEvent): void } none Callback, that is called on pointerup event.

Wheel component

Helper component, that register wheel event to passed host element.


Prop Type Default Description
host HTMLElement (required) Element to registred wheel event.
onWheel { (event: WheelEvent): void } none Callback, that is called on wheel event.

Interpolation functions

  • function linear(points: ChartSeriesData): string
  • function cardinal(points: ChartSeriesData, tension?: number): string;

Scaler functions

  • function linearScaler(value: number, min: number, max: number, reverse?: boolean): number;
  • function logScaler(value: number, min: number, max: number, reverse?: boolean): number;

Grid step estimation functions

  • function estimateUniformStep(min: number, max: number, count?: number): number;
  • function estimateLinearStep(min: number, max: number, count?: number, dividers?: number[]): number;
  • function estimateLogStep(min: number, max: number, base?: number, count?: number): number;

Functions for generate grid ticks

  • function generateLinearTicks(min: number, max: number, step: number, divisor: number, reference: number, closed?: boolean): { major: number[]; minor: number[] };
  • function generateLogTicks(min: number, max: number, step: number, divisor: number, reference: number, base?: number): { major: number[]; minor: number[] };


Plotery uses CSS to style its charts, so you must include it to your bundle. Please see style and sass property of package.json.


  • Improve documentation
  • Target size ~ 5kiB (minified + gzip)
  • Tooltip component

PRs are welcome!