
Identity and Access Proxy (IAP)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shifang2013LogIn from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shifang2013/log-in';



Identity and Access Proxy (IAP)


  • APIs

    { PWA /
    Mobile App /       not yet login /
    Web App }          exisiting token (already login)
        Client +----------------------------+
                                        Authentication Howto +-------------------> User ID
                                  Introspection |
                                    3rd Parties OAuth2 Servers
    • Selected Ory Solution as a base.
    • not yet login -- should return to Client, and let client side to login.
    • Introspection -- verify the token fr. 3rd Parties OAuth2 Servers; if valid token, pass, otherwise return "not valid login".
  • Inside Client: can be any different kind of projects and each project may have many users.

    Client +------+                |                          Login Module                           |
    flow          +--> Anonymouse  |                                                                 |
    (SPA)         |     screen(s)  |                             <-------------------------------+   |
                  |                |                                        Not Valid            |   |
                  |                |       logined                                               |   |
                  +--> protected +-------> by chk <----------------------------------------------+   |
                        screen(s)  | +---+ Token                  Save Token                     |   |
                            ^      | |yes  +   + no                                              |   |
                            +--------+     |   |                                                 |   |
    Sending out API                |       |   |                             +---> Facebook +----+   |
    asking for Token <---------------------+   |                             |                   |   |
                         Token     |           |                             +---> Google +------+   |
    not valid                      |           |                             |                   |   |
    login API(s) +-----------------------------+---> Login Module            +---> Own OAuth2 +--+   |
                                   |                   +                     |       Server      |   |
                                   |                   V                     |                   |   |
                                   |                 Login Screen            +---> .... +--------+   |
                                   |                   +                     |                       |
                                   |                   V                     |                       |
                                   |                 Authentication          |                       |
                                   |                 Methods: OAuth2 +-------+                       |
                                   |                                                                 |
    • Authentication Methods -- selected OAuth2.
  • Inside Server Side: can be any different kind of projects and each project may have many users.

    +-------------------------------------+    +--------------------------------------------------+    +--------------------------+
    | Proj1                               |    | Proj2                                            |    | Proj3                    |
    |                                     |    |                                                  |    |                          |
    |  client1  client2  client3 ...      |    |  client1  client2  client3  client4  client5 ... |    |  client1  client2 ...    |
    |                                     |    |                                                  |    |                          |
    +-------------------------------------+    +--------------------------------------------------+    +--------------------------+
                        |  Frappe: Development or Production                                                    |
                        |                                                                                       |
                        |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+                 |
                        |   |                                                                 |                 |
                        |   |     App: Login (Depends on Proj. para. to select which table    |                 |
                        |   |                                                                 |                 |
                        |   +--------+--------------------+--------------------+----------+---+                 |
                        |            |                    |                    |          |                     |
                                    |                    |                    |          |
                                    v                    v                    v          |
                            +------+----+        +------+----+        +------+----+     | 
                            | Proj1 Tbl |        | Proj2 Tbl |        | Proj3 Tbl |     v
                            +-----------+        +-----------+        +-----------+
                            |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |
                            |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |    . . . .   Users Db
                            |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |        |   . . . . |
                            +-----------+        +-----------+        +-----------+
                                Each Project can have different user table design
    • Separating each project with one table as
      • Pros
        • in case too many users, do not affect all projects, the db performance of one project with corresponding no. of user is acceptabe.
        • Each project can have custom make user table structure.
      • Cons
        • Each new project requests to create a table process.
    • User Db -- if valid token, but new user corresponding fr. this token, add this new user.
  • Screenshots


How to use it

  • Detail code can reference fr. demo folder.

  • import lib., eg.

    npm install --save @shifang2013/log-in@x.y.z
    import '@shifang2013/log-in/log-in.js';
  • add this element into your main page, eg.

    • Vue platform
      <log-in id="loginLib" ref="loginLib" 
          description="Your App Description"
          @login-flag-changed="loginFlag = $event.detail.value; test = $event;"
    • polymer 3.0 platform
      <log-in id="loginLib" 
          description="Your App Description"
  • check login status, eg.

    • loginLib.goLogin() false -- non-login, auto. jump to login form and should skip this protected page true -- login, continue to the protected page.
  • check login status, eg.

    • login-flag as
      • 0 = no login
      • 1 = login
      • 2 = user tap account icon with no login
  • get login user info.

    • log-in element will return a event -- on-after="getbackFrLogin", it calls
      getbackFrLogin(loginData) {
          this.loginData = loginData.detail.value;
    • this.loginData contains user info. as:
          token: id_token,
          picture: picture_url,
          email: Email string,
          last_name: Family Name string,
          first_name: Given Name string,
          user_id: user id string,
          social: 'ggle / fb'

Install the Polymer-CLI

First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI and npm (packaged with Node.js) installed. Run npm install to install your element's dependencies, then run polymer serve to serve your element locally.

Viewing Your Element

$ polymer serve

Running Tests

$ polymer test

Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test to run your application's test suite locally.