
This package has functions which are often used between projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shinbaekToolCase from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shinbaek/tool-case';



This package has functions which are often used between projects.


npm install @shinbaek/tool-case


yarn add @shinbaek/tool-case

tool list

- tarray

  • isArray(array)

    Return true if array is instance of Array.

  • isEmpty(array)

    Return true if array is array with length 0.

  • isUseful(array)

    Return true if array is not empty array.

  • mapLargeArr(largeArr, mapper, chunkSize = 1000)

    Return an array mapped with mapper. The largeArr array is mapped with (largeArr / chunkSize) + 1 times. For each mapping time, the mapper is called in the event queue.

    If largeArr is not an array, return null

- taudio

  • audioBufferSlice(info)

    The following is the example of usage.

      url: 'http://audiourl.com/12343512321331.wav', // the url of audio file
      // arrayBuffer, // the arrayBuffer. If set this value, audioBufferSlice do not use url
      begin: 1000, // the time of begin. (using millisecond)
      end: 5000, // the time of end. (using millisecond)
      // responseCallback, // If it is a function and url has value, this function just use the response value of url as an argument of responseCallbak and call responseCallbak.
      callback: audioSource => {
        // After slicing the audio file, callback is called with AudioSourceResult instance.
        audioSource.start(); // if want to start
        audioSource.start(1, 2); // if want to play from 1s to 2s for audioSource
        audioSource.pause(); // pause the player
        audioSource.stop(); // stop the player
        audioSource.on('playing', e => {
          // event called when every 10 milliseconds
          // if you want to change the time interval use
          // audioSource.setPlayingTimerInterval(time interval with millisecond)
          e.currentTime; // the context current time
          e.playingTime; // the player time
        audioSource.on('pause', e => {
          // event called when the player is paused
          // e is value of AudioScheduledSourceNode ended evnet (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioScheduledSourceNode/ended_event)
        audioSource.on('end', e => {
          // event called when the player end
          // e is value of AudioScheduledSourceNode ended evnet (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioScheduledSourceNode/ended_event)

- tdate

  • isDate(date)

    Return true if date is Date type.

  • getLastDayOfMonth(year, month)

    Return the last day of year/month. For example,

    getLastDayOfMonth(2020, 3); // return 31
  • getNumOfWeeksOfMonth(year, month)

    Return the number of weeks of year/month. For example,

    getNumOfWeeksOfMonth(2020, 1); // return 5
  • getDatesOfMonth(year, month, onlyThisMonth)

    Return the array of dates of year/month. The return data structure of it is

      year, // year of this date,
      month, // month of this month. start from 1
      date, // date
      day, // day of the date
      week, // week of the date
    }, ...]

    This function returns the dates consisting calendar page. For example, if 2020/03 is passed to getDatesOfMonth, the result contains dates 2020/04/01, 2020/04/02, 2020/04/03, 2020/04/04. If onlyThisMonth is true, the result do not contains those dates.

    The example of usage is

    getDatesOfMonth(2020, 1);
    // return 
    // [{year: 2019, month: 12, date: 29, day: 0, week: 1}, ..., {year: 2020, month: 2, date: 1, day: 6, week: 5}]
    getDatesOfMonth(2020, 1, true);
    // return 
    // [{year: 2020, month: 1, date: 1, day: 3, week: 1}, ..., {year: 2020, month: 1, date: 31, day: 5, week: 5}]

- tobject

  • isObject(obj)

    Return true if the obj is the type of Object.

  • keysOf(obj)

    Return key list of the obj. If the obj is not an Object type, return empty array.

  • filter(obj, predicate)

    Return an object filtered with predicate. The predicate callback function is called with predicate(key, obj).

  • map(obj, mapper)

    Return an object mapped with mapper. The mapper callback function is called with mapper(obj[key], key, obj).

  • extract(obj, keyList, exact)

    Return an object with key-value pair where the key is in keyList. If exact is false(default), the extracted keys contain the keys of keyList. If exact is true, the extracted keys are equal to the keyList. The usage is

    const obj = {
      marginTop: 10,
      margin: 20,
      paddingLeft: 30,
      padding: 50,
      foo: 200,
    const keyList = ['margin', 'padding'];
    extract(obj, keyList);
    // return 
    // {
    //   marginTop: 10,
    //   margin: 20,
    //   paddingLeft: 30,
    //   padding: 50,
    // }
    extract(obj, keyList, true);
    // return 
    // {
    //   margin: 20,
    //   padding: 50,
    // }
  • remove(obj, keyList, exact)

    Return an object with key-value pair where the key is not in keyList. The work of exact is same with extract. The usage is

    const obj = {
      marginTop: 10,
      margin: 20,
      paddingLeft: 30,
      padding: 50,
      foo: 200,
    const keyList = ['margin', 'padding'];
    remove(obj, keyList);
    // return 
    // { foo: 200 }
    remove(testObj, testKeyArr, true);
    // return
    // {
    //   marginTop: 10,
    //   paddingLeft: 30,
    //   foo: 200,
    // }
  • cloneObject(obj)

    Return the deep copyed object of obj.

  • isEmptyObject(obj)

    Return true if the obj if the empty object, i.e. obj === {}.

- tother

  • wait(timeout)

    Return the Promise after timeout milliseconds. The Promise resolve undefined.