
The Signal Processing Windows module contains several windowing functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import signalprocessingWindows from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@signalprocessing/windows';


Signal Processing

The Signal Processing Windows module contains several windowing functions.


npm install @signalprocessing/windows --save


Check external docs for the detailed explanation of windowing functions.

@signalprocessing/windows module can be both imported as commonJS module or ES module.

let windows = require("@signalprocessing/windows");
//Length of signal
let L = 1500;
  • Hamming Window

let wm = windows.hamming(L);

//Default type of windowing function is symmetric. You may change it to periodic.

let wmP = windows.hamming(L, "periodic");
  • Hann Window

let wh = windows.hann(L);

//Default type of windowing function is symmetric. You may change it to periodic.

let whP = windows.hann(L, "periodic");
  • Flattop Window

let wf = windows.flattop(L);
  • Rect Window

let wr = windows.rect(L);
  • Barthann Window

let wb = windows.barthann(L);
  • Bartlett Window

let wr = windows.bartlett(L);
  • Blackman Window

let wbm = windows.blackman(L);

//Default type of windowing function is symmetric. You may change it to periodic.

let wbmP = windows.blackman(L, "periodic");
  • Blackmanharris Window

let wbh = windows.blackmanharris(L);

//Default type of windowing function is symmetric. You may change it to periodic.

let wbhP = windows.blackmanharris(L, "periodic");
  • Bohman Window

let wmn = windows.bohman(L);

This module is actively evolving. I am planning to add Tukey, Kaiser, Parzen, Taylor, Gauss, Triangular and Chebyshev windowing functions soon.
