
You know that bar on top of a screen, or sometimes in the bottom where you see how far you scrolled? So, not the regular scrollbar but just a bar to show the progress.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import silScrollProgress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sil/scroll-progress';


Scroll Progress

You know that bar on top of a screen, or sometimes in the bottom where you see how far you scrolled? So, not the regular scrollbar but just a bar to show the progress.

That is what this is.


Install the package npm install @sil/scroll-progress

Import the package

import ScrollProgress from '~/@sil/scroll-progress

Define the component:

export default {
    components: {

Use the component:


Use the component with non-default settings:

        <scroll-progress height="10px" background-color="red" color="white"></scroll-progress>



set height to give the element a different height.

default: 3px


backgroundColor sets the color behind the bar. This is not the color of the progress bar itself but its container.

default: transparent


color is the color of the scrollbar.

default: black