
Embed localization into your bundle

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skroutzI18nWebpackPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@skroutz/i18n-webpack-plugin';


i18n Plugin

i18n (localization) plugin for Webpack.

Forked from webpack-contrib/i18n-webpack-plugin.


npm i -D @skroutz/i18n-webpack-plugin


yarn add @skroutz/i18n-webpack-plugin -D


This plugin creates bundles with translations baked in. So you can serve the translated bundle to your clients.

plugins: [
  new I18nPlugin(localization, options)
  • localization: object, a key-value map of localization strings
  • options.isDefaultLocale: boolean, is this language the default one

Function reference

For functions that use %{dynamicPart}, you can extend the String prototype with a supplant method, like so:

String.prototype.supplant = function(o) {
  return this.replace(
    (a, b) => {
      const r = o[b];
      return (typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number') ? r : a;

Then, you can use the following functions in your code:

__(msgid) Basic translation method

Marks a string as translatable:

__('Hello World!');

To translate a string with dynamic parts:

__('Hello %{username}. Welcome to %{sitename}.').supplant({
  username: User.username,
  sitename: App.sitename

n__(*msgid, n) Pluralized translations

To return the singular or plural form depending on how many you have:

n__('shop', 'shops', shop_count);

Additionally, to include the counter in the translated text:

n__('%{stars_count} star', '%{stars_count} stars', Shop.rating.stars).supplant({
  stars_count: Shop.rating.stars

s__(msgid) Scoped translations

To provide context to the translation:

s__('Formal|Are you sure?');
