
Backpack configuration and scripts for Create React App.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyscannerBackpackReactScripts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@skyscanner/backpack-react-scripts';



Important: The currently supported version of CRA by backpack-react-scripts is up to v4.0.3. Versions above this may not work.

This package is a fork of Create React App (specifically the react-scripts package). It's intended to be used in conjuction with create-react-app like so:

npx create-react-app@4.0.3 my-app --scripts-version=@skyscanner/backpack-react-scripts --template @skyscanner/backpack --use-npm

# start your app development like you normally would with `create-react-app`
cd my-app
npm start

What is different in our fork?

  • Compilation of uncompiled Backpack components (specifically JSX).
  • Skyscanner specific template with Backpack components integrated out of the box. Published as @skyscanner/cra-template-backpack
  • CSS Modules enabled by default for all .css & .scss files.
  • Ability to create a bundle for server side rending.
  • Automatic chunking is disabled by default.
  • css.html & js.html: New files in the build/ output folder. These are html partials that include <script /> and <link /> references to the various static assets output by webpack. Useful if automatic chunking is turned on and you don't want to worry about order.
  • A bunch of configuration options via "backpack-react-scripts" field in package.json:
    • crossOriginLoading: Modify the default behaviour, see docs.
    • babelIncludePrefixes: An array of module name prefixes to opt into babel compilation. Includes ["@skyscanner/bpk-", "bpk-", "saddlebag-"] by default.
    • enableAutomaticChunking: Boolean, opt in to automatic chunking of vendor, common and app code.
    • vendorsChunkRegex: String, Regex for picking what goes into the vendors chunk. See cacheGroups in webpack docs. Dependent on enableAutomaticChunking being enabled
    • amdExcludes: Array of module names to exclude from AMD parsing. Incldues ["lodash"] by default.
    • externals: exposing the Webpack config to modify externals, see docs.
    • ssrExternals: Similar to above, but for ssr.js only.
    • cssModules: Boolean, true by default.
    • sriEnabled: Sets if SRI is to be used during build to add integrity hash for files, see docs.
      • Note if this is enabled, crossOriginLoading value is overriden with anonymous in order for it to output with the integrity value.
    • ignoreCssWarnings: Boolean, false by default. Allows the ability to supress CSS ordering issues when its safe to allow mixed order when it has not effect on output, see docs. False by default