
Simple http2/spdy static server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slavaGanzinHttp2Server from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@slava.ganzin/http2-server';


Stop bundling your css/js and enjoy HTTP2 and PUSH_PROMISE

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Simple HTTP2/SPDY server similiar to http-server using express & node-spdy


  sudo npm install -g static-http2-server


By default http2-server match static resources with their Referer header (for example '/') and will server push them coupled with response, when refered resource (e.g. index.html) would be requested next time


http2-server [path] [options]


    -h, --help                        output usage information
    -V, --version                     output the version number
    -a, --address []         address to use
    -p, --ssl-port [4443]             ssl port to use
    --http-port [8080]                http port which redirects to ssl port
    -c, --cache                       enable cache
    -m, --maxAge [0]                  cache maxAge in ms acceptable string
    -P, --no-push                     disable naive PUSH_PROMISE
    -o, --open [xdg-open]             open default app after starting the server
        -o firefox
        -o "google-chrome --incognito"
        -o "curl --insecure"
    -l, --log [dev]                   log format (dev|combined|common|short|tiny)
    -s, --silent                      suppress log messages from output
    --cors                            enable CORS
    -S, --no-ssl                      disable https
          Works as plain http server without http2, spdy, push_promise
    -e, --cert [certs/cert.pem]       path to ssl cert file
    -k, --key  [certs/key.pem]        path to ssl key file
    --generate-cert                   save autogenerated certificates and exit
    --trust-cert                      add certificate to trusted (currently linux only)
    -g, --compression                 enable deflate/gzip/brotli/zopfli
    -i, --index [index.html]          Specify index file name
    --proxy []  Proxies all requests which can't be resolved locally to the given url.
    e.g.: -P http://someurl.com
    -I, --no-autoindex                Disable auto index

Usage as a dependency in your project

  npm install static-http2-server --save


  "scripts": {
    "start": "node_modules/.bin/http2-server -o",

SSL certificates

For development you can use autogenerated selfsigned certificates. For production you should use Let's encrypt or any other certificate authority

Generate selfsigned certificates and trust them

  http2-server --generate-cert --trust-cert

Add previously generated certificate to trusted

  http2-server --trust-cert --cert path/to/your.cert

Additionally you can try
