
Official scaffolding template for pilets: 'empty'.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smapiotPiletTemplateEmpty from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smapiot/pilet-template-empty';


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Pilet Template - Empty · GitHub License

This is the empty scaffolding template for a new pilet. It will just create an empty pilet with only an empty setup function.


Use the template with pilet new or npm init pilet:

# directly via the CLI (prefer to prefix with npx)
pilet new --template empty <other-options>

# via the initializer - best option (NPM v6)
npm init pilet --template empty <other-options>

# via the initializer - best option (NPM v7 and v8)
npm init pilet -- --template empty <other-options>


Piral is released using the MIT license. For more information see the license file.